Task Center

  • Bus Rental Service1. 你需要什麼類型的巴士接送服務? 私人性質. 2. 你需要什麼類型的巴士接送服務? 定點接送. 3. 你需要的巴士配置: 31 - 40 位. 4. 你需要的巴士配置: 56/61/65/66座大型旅遊巴. 5. 是次接送服務的出發地及目的地: 欖提東路 . 6. How many luggage do you have? 5-15件. 7. 是次行程中是點對點接送或是有多個行程? 點對點接送. 8. 是次接送服務的出發地及目的地: 德田邨德隆樓. 9. When would you wish to use the rental services ? 9:00AM-3:00PM. 10. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customer
    Expires after 2 days7 pros notified
  • Bus Rental Service1. 你需要什麼類型的巴士接送服務? 私人性質. 2. 你需要什麼類型的巴士接送服務? 定點接送. 3. 你需要的巴士配置: 11 - 20 位. 4. 你需要的巴士配置: 24/28/29座小型旅遊巴. 5. 是次接送服務的出發地及目的地: 大美督嘉年華燒烤. 6. How many luggage do you have? 沒有行李. 7. 是次行程中是點對點接送或是有多個行程? 點對點接送. 8. 是次接送服務的出發地及目的地: 觀塘地鐵站. 9. When would you wish to use the rental services ? 4:00-4:30pm. 10. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customer
    Expires after 2 days7 pros notified
  • Nanny Van1. 你需要哪種接送服務? 放學. 2. 學生年齡多大? 其他(請說明). 3. 請問學生數目? 1名. 4. 你需要校巴服務接送時間? 放學1200. 5. 你需要上車地點/學校? 金馬倫道. 6. 你需要落車地點/學校? 觀塘翠屏邨麥當勞. 7. 你需要保母車的時段? 全年. 8. When do you want the service? I’m flexible. 9. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Via internet or phoneAt Pro's locationTravel to customertag
    Expires after 2 days4 pros notified
  • Furniture Recycling1. Please specify the number of the furniture you need to recycle Others (Please specify). 2. Please choose the service district: Yau Tsim Mong District. 3. Do it need to demolish? No. 4. Does the building require stairs? No. 6. When do you want the service? In the next few days. 7. Anything else you need the Pro to know?  圖片為示意圖,實物為大小相同的床褥一塊,7-8成新. .
    Yau Tsim MongTravel to customer
    Expires after 2 days22 pros notified
  • Nanny Van1. 你需要哪種接送服務? 放學. 2. 學生年齡多大? 3-5歲. 3. 請問學生數目? 1名. 4. 你需要校巴服務接送時間? 16:45. 5. 你需要上車地點/學校? 嘉諾撒聖心幼稚園. 6. 你需要落車地點/學校? 華貴邨/華富邨. 7. 你需要保母車的時段? 全年. 8. When do you want the service? As soon as possible. 9. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Via internet or phoneAt Pro's locationTravel to customertagtag
    Expires after 1 day4 pros notified
  • On-site Electronic Waste Collection1. 您需要回收的電器及數量? 1. 2. 你對哪個服務有興趣?(可多選) 收買電器服務. 3. 你需要上門回收的地點是? Tseung Kwan O. 4. 請問你的樓宇有沒有升降機? 有. 5. 你需要服務的日子? 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm. 6. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 2024年7月購買, 有保養期. .
    Travel to customer
    Expires after 1 day17 pros notified
  • Nanny Van1. 你需要哪種接送服務? 上學和放學. 2. 學生年齡多大? 6-12歲. 3. 請問學生數目? 1名. 4. 你需要校巴服務接送時間? 7點. 5. 你需要上車地點/學校? 油塘高翔苑 . 6. 你需要落車地點/學校? 九龍塘基華小學. 7. 你需要保母車的時段? 全年. 8. When do you want the service? On one particular date. 9. Please provide service date 返學7.00am 放學3:15pm. 10. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Via internet or phoneAt Pro's locationTravel to customertag
    Expires after 2 months4 pros notified
  • On-site Electronic Waste Collection1. 您需要回收的電器及數量? 1, 1. 2. 你對哪個服務有興趣?(可多選) 付費回收服務. 4. 你需要上門回收的地點是? 葵涌業成街18號星星中心1505室. 5. 請問你的樓宇有沒有升降機? 有. 6. 你需要服務的日子? 2:00-4:00pm. 7. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customer
    Expires after 1 day18 pros notified
  • On-site Electronic Waste Collection1. 您需要回收的電器及數量? 1. 2. 你對哪個服務有興趣?(可多選) 付費回收服務, 收買電器服務. 3. 你需要上門回收的地點是? 東涌. 4. 請問你的樓宇有沒有升降機? 有. 5. 你需要服務的日子? 16:00 - 18:00. 6. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customer
    Expires after 1 day17 pros notified
  • Furniture Recycling1. Please specify the number of the furniture you need to recycle 3, 1, 2, 4 or above, 1, Others (Please specify). 2. Please choose the service district: Sha Tin District. 3. Do it need to demolish? Yes. 4. Does the building require stairs? No. 6. When do you want the service? I’m flexible. 7. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 大水坑村村屋地下,可泊車在屋後. .
    Sha TinTravel to customer
    Expires after 1 day23 pros notified