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- Relocation1. Do you need any paper cartons? If yes, how many? No. 2. Please tell us the quantity and type of furnitures you would like to relocate. 雪櫃x1 . 3. You are moving from (building name): 嘉時工廠大廈. 4. Please choose your relocation date: 3-5pm. 5. You are moving to (building name): 西貢北港坳村. 6. Do you have any large furniture? Yes. 7. Are there any stairs in the vicinities? If yes, how many? Yes (Please enter the number of stairs). 8. Is there any parking space within 50 meters of the vicinities? No....Travel to customerExpires after 1 day49 pros notified
- Nanny Van1. 你需要哪種接送服務? 上學和放學. 2. 學生年齡多大? 6-12歲. 3. 請問學生數目? 1名. 4. 你需要校巴服務接送時間? 早上8:30. 5. 你需要上車地點/學校? 元朗. 6. 你需要落車地點/學校? 粉嶺. 7. 你需要保母車的時段? 下學期. 8. When do you want the service? As soon as possible. 9. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .Via internet or phoneAt Pro's locationTravel to customerExpires after 1 day6 pros notified
- Bus Rental Service1. 你需要什麼類型的巴士接送服務? 私人性質. 2. 你需要什麼類型的巴士接送服務? 定點接送. 3. 你需要的巴士配置: 11 - 20 位. 4. 你需要的巴士配置: 24/28/29座小型旅遊巴. 5. 是次接送服務的出發地及目的地: 西九龍m+博物館. 6. How many luggage do you have? 1-5件. 7. 是次行程中是點對點接送或是有多個行程? 點對點接送. 8. 是次接送服務的出發地及目的地: 將軍澳皇冠假日酒店. 9. When would you wish to use the rental services ? 4pm. 10. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .Travel to customerExpires after 1 day4 pros notified
- Nanny Van1. 你需要哪種接送服務? 上學和放學. 2. 學生年齡多大? 3-5歲. 3. 請問學生數目? 4-5名. 4. 你需要校巴服務接送時間? 7:30am. 5. 你需要上車地點/學校? 上學:觀塘線(寶達,樂雅苑,凱匯,觀塘係紀律部隊宿舍) 放學:銅鑼灣聖保祿幼稚園. 6. 你需要落車地點/學校? 放學:觀塘線(寶達,樂雅苑,凱匯,觀塘係紀律部隊宿舍) 上學:銅鑼灣聖保祿幼稚園. 7. 你需要保母車的時段? 全年. 8. When do you want the service? In the next few days. 9. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .Via internet or phoneAt Pro's locationTravel to customerExpires after 1 day6 pros notified
- Piano Recycling1. Type of piano? Upright Piano. 2. Do you need people for moving piano by stairs? No. 3. If yes, which types of service needed? Stairs only. 4. How long did you used your piano? 10 years above. 5. The piano's manufacturing number is? 1637568. 6. The brand of the piano is? KARL MULLER. 7. The model of the piano is? E111C-W. 9. Does the pro able to try the piano first? Yes. 10. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .Travel to customerExpires after 1 day13 pros notified
- Bus Rental Service1. 你需要什麼類型的巴士接送服務? 私人性質. 2. 你需要什麼類型的巴士接送服務? 一日包車. 3. 你需要的巴士配置: 21 - 30 位. 4. 你需要的巴士配置: 24/28/29座小型旅遊巴. 5. 是次接送服務的出發地及目的地: 科學園. 6. How many luggage do you have? 沒有行李. 7. 是次行程中是點對點接送或是有多個行程? 有多個行程. 8. 是次接送服務的出發地及目的地: 深圳灣. 9. When would you wish to use the rental services ? 10:00am - 6:00pm. 10. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .Travel to customerExpires after 1 day4 pros notified
- Piano Recycling1. Type of piano? Upright Piano. 2. Do you need people for moving piano by stairs? No. 3. If yes, which types of service needed? Stairs only. 4. How long did you used your piano? 5 - 7 years. 5. The piano's manufacturing number is? H0663042. 6. The brand of the piano is? Yamaha . 7. The model of the piano is? YS3. 8. Does the pro able to try the piano first? Yes. 9. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .Travel to customerExpires after 1 day14 pros notified
- Nanny Van1. 你需要哪種接送服務? 上學和放學. 2. 學生年齡多大? 6-12歲. 3. 請問學生數目? 1名. 4. 你需要校巴服務接送時間? 8. 5. 你需要上車地點/學校? 將軍澳. 6. 你需要落車地點/學校? 大角咀. 7. 你需要保母車的時段? 全年. 8. When do you want the service? I’m flexible. 9. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .Via internet or phoneAt Pro's locationTravel to customerExpires after 1 day6 pros notified
- Furniture Recycling1. Please specify the number of the furniture you need to recycle 2, . 2. Do it need to demolish? Yes. 3. Does the building require stairs? No. 5. Please choose the service district: Kowloon City District. 6. When do you want the service? Other (Please specify). 7. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 有一个比較新的床褥,沒有拆除原裝塑料包裝. .Kowloon CityTravel to customerExpires after 1 day20 pros notified
- Furniture Recycling1. Please specify the number of the furniture you need to recycle 2. 2. Please choose the service district: Yuen Long District. 3. Do it need to demolish? No. 4. Does the building require stairs? Yes. 6. When do you want the service? As soon as possible. .Yuen LongTravel to customerExpires after 1 day21 pros notified