Task Center

  • Chinese Chiropractic Adjustment1. 關於你的資料: 女. 2. 關於你的資料: 26-44. 3. Please choose the service district: Kwai Tsing District, Tsuen Wan District. 4. Which part of your body needs Chinese Chiropractic adjustment? Legs. 5. Preferred Languages? Cantonese. 6. When do you want the service? As soon as possible. .
    Kwai TsingAt Pro's locationtag
    Expires after 1 day12 pros notified
  • Massage and Acupressure1. Which type of massage you would like to have? Swedish. 2. What body part(s) want massage? Others (Please Specify). 3. Your Gender Female. 4. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    At Pro's locationTravel to customer
    Expires after 1 day65 pros notified
  • Chinese Chiropractic Adjustment1. 關於你的資料: 男. 2. 關於你的資料: 26-44. 3. Please choose the service district: Wong Tai Sin District. 4. Which part of your body needs Chinese Chiropractic adjustment? Arms. 5. Preferred Languages? Cantonese. 6. When do you want the service? As soon as possible. .
    Wong Tai SinAt Pro's locationtag
    Expires after 1 day13 pros notified
  • Chinese Chiropractic Adjustment1. 關於你的資料: 女. 2. 關於你的資料: 45-64. 3. Please choose the service district: Sha Tin District. 4. Which part of your body needs Chinese Chiropractic adjustment? Back/Neck. 5. Preferred Languages? Cantonese. 6. When do you want the service? As soon as possible. .
    Sha TinAt Pro's locationtagtag
    Expires after about 17 hours13 pros notified
  • Art Therapy1. Please choose the service district: Sham Shui Po District. 2. 接受藝術治療的人的年齡是? 6-18歲. 3. 你希望以什麼模式進行治療? 小組(五人或以上). 4. Where do you need the service? Pros should travel to my location. 5. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 小組目標期望是協助學生認識並接納不完美的地方,以提升他們的情緒覺察能力及舒緩情緒壓力。. .
    Sham Shui PoTravel to customer
    Expires after about 15 hours13 pros notified
  • Speech Therapy1. 你遇到甚麼問題需要言語治療服務? 溝通語言障礙. 2. 接受言語治療的人的年齡是? 3. 3. 你希望以什麼模式進行治療? 一對一. 4. How frequent do you need the service? Every Month. 5. Please choose the service district: North District. 6. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 女兒快3歲,語言方面溝通有問題,不能說短句子,最多能說4個字,比同年齡小朋友慢,希望搵到專家幫手教導. .
    NorthAt Pro's locationTravel to customer
    Expires after about 13 hours16 pros notified
  • 針灸治療1. 接受針灸治療的病患年齡幾大? 64歲以上. 2. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    At Pro's locationTravel to customertag
    Expires after about 12 hours7 pros notified
  • Speech Therapy1. Please choose the service district: Sha Tin District, Yau Tsim Mong District, Wong Tai Sin District. 2. 你遇到甚麼問題需要言語治療服務? 其他(請說明). 3. 接受言語治療的人的年齡是? 32. 4. 你希望以什麼模式進行治療? 一對一. 5. How frequent do you need the service? Weekly. .
    Sha TinAt Pro's locationTravel to customer
    Expires after about 1 hour16 pros notified
  • 親子互動輔導1. 你的孩子的年齡多大? 1-2歲. 2. 孩子的家庭是否單親家庭? 否. 3. 孩子是否有特殊學習需要 (SEN)? 其他(請詳細說明). 4. 你是否覺得有管教困難? 是. 5. 孩子是否有行為或情緒問題? 情緒不穩定. 6. 你是否嘗試過不同的管教方法但仍無改善? 否. 7. When do you want the service? I’m flexible. 8. Please provide service date 逢星期日2:00-4:00,或者早上9:00-11:00. 9. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    At Pro's locationTravel to customer
    Expires after 1 day8 pros notified
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