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- Body Check Service1. What kind of body check services are you looking for? Comprehensive. 2. What checkup items would you like to include? Ultrasound, Pap Smear, Cancer Marker, AIDS, Breast & Pelvis Screening, Liver Function. 3. What is your estimated price range? $3,000 - $4,000. 4. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .At Pro's locationExpires after 1 day5 pros notified
- Professional Investigation1. 請問你需要調查的案件屬於哪一種? 尋人. 2. 請問你需要調查的案件屬於哪一種? 不需要. 3. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 知道他大概地址,名,姓首字母和籍贯. 4. Preferred Languages? Mandarin. 5. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .Via internet or phoneAt Pro's locationTravel to customerExpires after 1 day13 pros notified
- Body Check Service1. What kind of body check services are you looking for? Comprehensive, Female, Fertility. 2. What checkup items would you like to include? Ultrasound, Pap Smear, Cancer Marker, Breast & Pelvis Screening, Liver Function. 3. What is your estimated price range? $4,000 - $6,000. 4. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .At Pro's locationExpires after 1 day5 pros notified
- Professional Investigation1. 請問你需要調查的案件屬於哪一種? 伴侶調查. 2. 請問你需要調查的案件屬於哪一種? 不需要. 3. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 朋友識左個女人,洗左好多錢,但懷疑對方有另一半,一齊半年不肯合照,不交換社交媒體. 4. Preferred Languages? Cantonese. 5. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .Via internet or phoneAt Pro's locationTravel to customerExpires after 1 day13 pros notified
- Name Changing1. 請問你需要改人名或是商業改名服務? 商業改名(團體、法人、公司等). 2. 請說明你需要改名服務的用途 團體、法人、公司命名(請說明機構性質). 4. Where do you need the service? Online or via phone. 5. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .Hong KongVia internet or phoneExpires after about 24 hours17 pros notified
- Professional Investigation1. 請問你需要調查的案件屬於哪一種? 伴侶調查. 2. 請問你需要調查的案件屬於哪一種? 福建福州. 3. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 跟踪伴侣行踪和会面人数. 4. Preferred Languages? Mandarin, Cantonese. 5. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .Via internet or phoneAt Pro's locationTravel to customerExpires after about 11 hours12 pros notified
- Personal Image Consultant1. 你想形象顧問提供哪方面的指導? 衣著風格, 髮型, 妝容. 2. 你的預算是多少? $500 以下. 3. 你還需要其他相關服務嗎? 妝容髮型指導, 姿勢指導, 餐桌禮儀指導. 4. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .Via internet or phoneAt Pro's locationTravel to customerExpires after about 8 hours14 pros notified
- Shoe Washing1. 請問需要清洗的鞋子種類是什麼?(可多選) 絨面鞋. 2. 請問總共有多少對鞋需要清洗? 1. 3. 請問當中有超過價值$1500的鞋嗎? 有(請註明價值及鞋款). 4. 請問需要哪種洗鞋方式? 普通清洗. 5. 請問需要額外修鞋服務嗎?(可多選) 不需要. 6. 請問需要額外皮鞋保養服務嗎? 不需要. 7. 請問需要上門取鞋/送鞋服務嗎? 不需要. 8. 請問需要加急處理洗鞋/修鞋服務嗎? 不需要. 9. 請問需要其他皮具清洗、修復、保養服務嗎? 不需要. .At Pro's locationTravel to customerExpires after about 7 hours5 pros notified
- General Flower Arrangement1. What is the occasion to purchase these flowers? Others (Please Specify). 2. Are there any specific types of flowers you are looking for? No. 3. How much is your budget? $700 - $1,000. 4. Do you need the florist to include delivery service? No. 5. When would you like to collect or receive the flowers? 今天. 6. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? No. .At Pro's locationExpires after about 1 hour12 pros notified
- Funeral services1. 你需要哪一種告別儀式? 醫院出殯. 2. 你需要哪一種類型的下葬方式? 火葬. 3. 你需要甚麼宗教喪禮儀式? 維新(沒有宗教信仰). 4. 你需要喪禮直播或拍攝服務嗎? 不需要. 5. 準備喪禮儀式前,你希望在哪一區預約會面? 油尖旺區/深水埗區. 6. When do you want the service? I’m flexible. 7. 你希望在哪一區進行喪禮儀式? 九龍城區/黃大仙區/觀塘區. 8. Please provide service date 2025-03-28. 9. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? No. .At Pro's locationTravel to customerExpires after 14 days6 pros notified