Task Center

  • Sofa Renovation1. Please choose the service district: Kwun Tong District. 2. 你的梳化材料是? 人造皮. 3. 你需要哪種服務?(可多選) 換皮, 填充/換海綿. 4. 你的梳化類型是? L型. 5. When do you want the service? I’m flexible. 6. Where do you need the service? Online or via phone. .
    Kwun TongVia internet or phone
    Expires after 2 days26 pros notified
  • 中醫1. What is your gender? Female. 2. How old are you? 45 - 55 years old . 3. Which part of your body not feeling well? Others (Please Specify):. 4. Which type of service you want to apply for? Inernal Medicine. 5. Do you have any mediacal history? No. 6. Are you taking your medication prescribedly and instructedly? (E.g: Oral Antidiabetic Drugs) No. 7. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. . 久咳未清
    Tsing YiAt Pro's location
    Expires after 2 days6 pros notified
  • Partial Renovation1. Which area(s) of your place needs renovation work? Kitchen, Bathroom. 2. What is your budget? 20 - 30K. 3. What kind of renovation work is involved? Others (Please specify). 4. Please describe the expected result from the renovation work. 同上. 6. When do you want the service? I’m flexible. 7. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customer
    Expires after 2 days129 pros notified
  • Leak Repair & Waterproofing Service1. Types of housing is? Private Housing. 2. Which area(s) that need the service of Leak Repair and Waterproofing? Ceiling. 3. When do you want the service? On one particular date. 4. Please provide service date 1小時. 5. Please choose the service district: Sai Kung District. 6. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 頂樓天花板近窗位置滴水. 7. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Sai KungTravel to customerAt Pro's locationtag
    Expires after 2 days102 pros notified
  • Clear Clogged Drain1. When was the drain clogged? Less than a week ago. 2. How many drains are clogged? 1. 3. Where are the places which need drainage cleaning? Washing Basin. 5. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customer
    Expires after 2 days79 pros notified
  • Leaflet Distribution in Buildings1. Please choose the service district: Island District. 2. 貴公司屬於什麼業務? 其他(請詳細說明). 3. 你希望進行傳單洗樓的目標樓宇是哪一種? 住宅大厦, 其他(請說明). 5. 貴公司需要派多少棟大廈/樓宇? 41或以上. 6. 貴公司需要洗樓公司提供設計及印刷服務嗎 已有自備單張. 7. 如已有自備單張,貴公司需要洗樓公司自取嗎 需要. 8. How frequent do you need the service? Every Year. 9. When do you want the service? In the next few days. .
    IslandsTravel to customerVia internet or phone
    Expires after 2 days10 pros notified
  • Basketball Lesson1. Please choose the service district: Tsuen Wan District. 2. What is your experience level in this activity? No Experience. 3. Which type of lesson does student prefer? Small Class (2-6 persons). 4. What days are you available to meet? Thursday. 5. Which time slot you prefer to conduct the class? After 18:00. 6. What is the student's gender? Male. 7. 請問學生的年齡是? 6 - 10歲. .
    Tsuen WanTravel to customerAt Pro's location
    Expires after 2 days27 pros notified
  • Nanny Van1. 你需要哪種接送服務? 上學和放學. 2. 學生年齡多大? 其他(請說明). 3. 請問學生數目? 1名. 4. 你需要校巴服務接送時間? 早上八點. 5. 你需要上車地點/學校? 功樂道林景閣去聖三一幼稚園. 6. 你需要落車地點/學校? 聖三一幼稚園. 7. 你需要保母車的時段? 全年. 8. When do you want the service? On one particular date. 9. Please provide service date 2025-05-05. 10. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customerAt Pro's locationVia internet or phonetag
    Expires after about 2 months6 pros notified
  • Massage and Acupressure1. What type of Aromatherapy Treatment would you need? Muscular Relaxation. 2. Which modes of applications would you like for Aromatherapy? Topical applications. 3. How many people need Aromatherapy? 3. .
    Travel to customerAt Pro's location
    Expires after 1 day3 pros notified
  • Nanny1. Please choose the service(s) the Nanny has to complete: Play with the child(s). 2. What kind of nanny service are you looking for? Twice per week. 3. Please specify the age of the child(ren) 2. 4. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customertag
    Expires after 1 day26 pros notified