Task Center

  • Window Cleaning1. How do you need your windows cleaned? Both inside and outside. 2. How many windows need to be cleaned? (1 window = 2.5 ft. x 1.5 ft) 10 or Below. 3. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customer
    Expires after 1 day23 pros notified
  • Waste Management and Handling Services ...1. How frequent do you need the service? One-off. 2. What is the situation you are facing regarding this service? 丟梳發. 3. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customerAt Pro's locationVia internet or phonetag
    Expires after 1 day19 pros notified
  • Data Entry1. Are you expecting a temporary or a long-term data entry clerk? Others (please specify). 2. How much work do you have for the data entry clerk? 不肯定. 3. At what time do you wish to recevie the finished documents? Others (please specify). 4. What languages are involved in the documents? Chinese. 5. Job function Work from home. 6. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 需要良好溝通能力,協助致電了解輸入資料的程序. 7. Preferred Languages? Cantonese. 8. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customerVia internet or phone
    Expires after 1 day163 pros notified
  • Hand Out Flyer1. 你需要怎樣的派傳單員? 1-5名. 2. 你需要怎樣的派傳單員? 無所謂. 3. 你需要專家在哪一個地方執行服務? 中西區/灣仔區/南區. 4. 你需要專家在哪一個地方執行服務? 室外(如街邊、公園等). 5. 派傳單員需要穿著制服嗎? 不需要. 6. When do you want the service? On one particular date. 7. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 三月一開始,大約每天2-3小時,唯期1星期. 8. Preferred Languages? Cantonese. 9. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customerVia internet or phone
    Expires after 1 day12 pros notified
  • Hand Out Flyer1. 你需要怎樣的派傳單員? 1-5名. 2. 你需要怎樣的派傳單員? 無所謂. 3. 你需要專家在哪一個地方執行服務? 油尖旺區/深水埗區. 4. 你需要專家在哪一個地方執行服務? 食店. 5. 派傳單員需要穿著制服嗎? 不需要. 6. When do you want the service? As soon as possible. 7. Preferred Languages? Cantonese. 8. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customerVia internet or phonetag
    Expires after 1 day13 pros notified
  • Promoter1. What is the situation you are facing regarding this service? 需要推廣業務,尋找合作方 . 2. Any special request about this service want to point out? 需要一個有幹勁,刻苦耐勞,喜歡說話,腦筋轉數快,口才好,常帶笑容的推廣員. 3. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customerAt Pro's locationVia internet or phone
    Expires after 1 day25 pros notified
  • Waste Management and Handling Services ...1. How frequent do you need the service? One-off. 2. What is the situation you are facing regarding this service? Old furniture to dispose . 3. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customerAt Pro's locationVia internet or phonetag
    Expires after 1 day21 pros notified
  • Printer Repair1. 需要維修的打印機類型為? 噴墨式打印機. 2. What brand is your printer needed to be repaired? Dell. 3. What model is your printer needed to be repaired? G4010. 4. What is the printer problem? Others (Please Specify). 5. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? No. .
    Wong Tai SinAt Pro's location
    Expires after 1 day9 pros notified
  • Resume Editing1. Where are you at in your career? Management. 2. Which particular industry is your resume for? Financial services, Others (please specify). 3. Which language do you want to write the resume in? English. 4. What is your highest education level? Master. 5. What is your current status of employment? Employed. 6. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. . I am travelling till Friday this week , after remaining in Hong Kong
    AdmiraltyAt Pro's locationVia internet or phone
    Expires after about 22 hours58 pros notified
  • Office Rental1. What is the situation you are facing regarding this service? 轉讓 . 2. Any special request about this service want to point out? ❤️元朗美容小店頂手 商廈 鄰近西鐵 ❤️靚位樓上鋪 🧡新淨企理免裝修 即頂即做~ 💙少量頂手費 適合初創業人士 (美容/美睫/紋繡/化妝/美甲/採耳等) 西鐵步行5分鐘即到,交通方便, 環境靚,寧靜,新裝修 每月租金:約$5xxx 抵租 「需先預繳餘下月租 租金」 包括設備: ✅美容床 x 2 ,美容櫈 x 2 床紙 ✅茶几 燈 接待凳x2 收銀枱x1 ✅長拖巴 x 1 ✅CCTV x 3 ✅少量物資、清潔用具 ✅微波爐 雪櫃 水機. 3. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customerAt Pro's locationVia internet or phonetag
    Expires after about 17 hours6 pros notified