The part time helpers and maids at Toby are strictly verified and trained on a professional level. They are experts with ample housekeeping experience and a sincere attitude. Our experts on Toby consist of domestic companies that provide local part time helpers and cleaners, as well as independent domestic helpers.
No matter it's house cleaning, cooking, deep cleaning, or care services (such as taking care of children, elderly and pets), our professional part time helper can surely provide the best service devotedly.
How much does a part-time helper/maid cost in Hong Kong?
The average cleaning wage in Hong Kong is $130 per hour. Please note that house cleaning work usually takes about 3-4 hours, costing around $300 to $600 per session. The actual cost of home cleaning services depends on the service time, number of service hours, number of cleaners, and size of the unit. (For inquiries about hiring hourly cleaning services, please feel free to call 3703 3250.)
You can click "Buy now" on our web page to see our service details and rates of part time helpers. Or you could download our Toby App to place your customised request for a part time domestic helper. We will match the best suited part time helper for you according to your preference.
*If the part time helper is involved in a more varied and time-consuming range of tasks, the cost of hiring a part-time domestic helper will be adjusted accordingly. Therefore, it is essential to discuss this aspect clearly in advance to avoid disputes later on.
What is the service scope of the part time helper/domestic helper?
Based on your family's daily needs, a domestic helper can offer basic housekeeping and cleaning services, which include dusting, vacuuming, food preparation, child care, elderly care, and other specialized deep cleaning tasks upon request.
If you're looking to hire a part-time helper specifically skilled in elderly care, they can also provide comprehensive, compassionate care and professional accompaniment.
Do I have to purchase Workers' Compensation Insurance for the part time helper?
According to Section 40 of the Employees' Compensation Ordinance, all employers (including contractors and sub-contractors) are required to take out insurance policies to cover their liabilities both under the Ordinance and at common law for injuries at work in respect of all their employees, irrespective of the length of employment contract or working hours, full-time or part-time, permanent job or temporary employment. An employer who fails to comply with the Ordinance to secure an insurance cover commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a maximum fine of HK$100,000 and imprisonment for two years.
Is there any additional or hidden cost charged by the part time helper service?
If you asked for temporary care for critically ill patients, the housekeeper will charge you an extra 10% to 15% on top of basic rates per day. If the employer lives in a remote area, the fees will be slightly higher. In addition, near festivals, such as the Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn festival, the service fees for housekeeper are usually raised. The most common additional cost will be the compensation insurance for local housekeepers that are required to be purchased by the employer. If you need to hire pat time helper on Sundays, there will be a special time period charge of HK$5 per hour.