Personal Training in Tsuen Wan

Directory > Tsuen Wan > Personal Training > 1000 matched Pro
  • Innpression
    Consulting Services
    Hired rate5
    Past clients include SMEs, multinational corporations, universities, and one of the most promising web development companies in Hong Kong. Different types of web pages and ...
    Business-Plan Consulting
    Marketing Consultation
    Kwai Chung
    •  《卓越創新企業大獎》Innpression Limited: 放膽製作訂制網站 年輕團隊夠創新
    •  《卓越創新企業大獎》Innpression Limited: 放膽製作訂制網站 年輕團隊夠創新
  • 王永佳
    Proofreading & Translation
    Hired rate199
    教授日語: 留學日本六年,1993年畢業於國立東京外國語大學,主修日文,同年回港,從此在日資公司工作15年,主要負責聯絡客戶及翻譯工作。2008年開始全職教授日語及廣東話,精補日語能力試,生活及商業日語,特別注重發音及文法在實際生活中的應用。 教授廣東話及普通話: 在日本留學期間開始教授廣東話,曾考過國家語委普通...
    Japanese Translation
    Mong Kok
  • Innpression
    Digital Marketing
    Hired rate5
    Past clients include SMEs, multinational corporations, universities, and one of the most promising web development companies in Hong Kong. Different types of web pages and ...
    Social Media Marketing
    Search Engine Marketing SEM
    Search Engine Optimization SEO
    + 5
    Kwai Chung
    •  《卓越創新企業大獎》Innpression Limited: 放膽製作訂制網站 年輕團隊夠創新
  • Kent Cheung
    Wedding Photos & Videos
    Hired rate41
    big day photography and video recording service lighting engineer service morning shooting and evening broadcasting professional film editing 100-day banquet photography service Turpin on-the-spot photo ...
    Wedding Banquet Photography
    Wedding Registry Photography
    Wedding Photography
    + 1
  • 資深跑步/路跑教練
    Hired rate16
    資深跑步/路跑教練。 專項長跑,着重改善跑姿及制定跑步訓練計劃。 針對各紀律部隊考核項目進行訓練 跑手堂教練團...
    Running Training Lesson
    Sham Shui Po
    • 心戰故事
  • 持有聖三一Amustcl 樂理文憑及皇家8級樂理証書
    Other Music Lessons
    Hired rate37
    本人資歷⤵️ 倫敦聖三一音樂學院 Amustcl 樂理文憑 英國皇家音樂學院 Grade 8 樂理證書 音樂治療應用證書...
    Music Theory Lesson
    Band Training Lesson
    Song Arrangement Lesson
    + 2
    Tuen Mun
  • 恒發搬運有限公司
    Deep Cleaning,Storage & Moving,Home Repair & Installation,Office Chores,and others
    Hired rate25
    Professional packaging, handling, moving house, moving office building, free carton box, free quotation, fair price...
    Furniture Disposal
    Furniture Recycling
    + 12
  • 楊雅文
    Wind Instrument Lessons
    Hired rate0
    [{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Miss Christy 為全職音樂導師,畢業於美國紐約大學(New York University)藝術文學碩士,及伯克萊音樂學院(Berklee College of Music) 學士,主修長笛及色士風,同時擁有英...
    Saxophone Lesson
    Recorder Lesson
    Flute Lesson
    + 1
    Kennedy Town
  • Hong Ngan
    Guitar Courses
    Hired rate1
    [{"type":"list","children":[{"type":"list-item","children":[{"text":"2022年起擔任Freelance結他老師"}]},{"type":"list-item","children":[{"text":"於2022年考獲Rockschool Electric Guitar Grade 8"}]},{"type":"list-item","children":[{"text":"曾在通利琴行及Parklance Music任教"}]},{"type":"list-item","children":[{"text":"本人亦有豐富商場、市集、酒吧、NGO表演經驗及街頭 Busking 經驗"}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]}]...
    Acoustic Guitar Lesson
    Ukulele Lesson
    Electric Guitar Lesson
    Tuen Mun
  • Imvictus Hong Kong Limited
    Hired rate0
    [Company Name] provides [Services] with [Service Characteristics] and has been widely praised. It has obtained [Professional Certification] and has been interviewed by [Media Reports]. Its ...
    Boxing Lesson
    Kickboxing Lesson
    Thai Boxing Lesson
    + 1
    Mong Kok