LmMMugj3H54 in Tai Hang
Wedding Ceremonies,Event Planning,Wedding Performance,Performing Arts NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人於公司有10次活動主持及1次婚宴主持經驗,對上台當司儀駕輕就熟,從不怯場。主要以粵語為主‧"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人擅長突發危機處理,策劃及撰寫講稿。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"image","url":"https://staticfiles2.hellotoby.com/gallery/2024/01/2079170730.png","children":[{"text":""}],"loading":false},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]}]...Event Hosting (MC)RemoteGuitar Courses NEWHired rate4[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Profile: https://www.instagram.com/yufungwyf/"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"樂隊初久結他手 ,於2021年獲得青年樂隊比賽季軍, 曾於不同舞台演出,及擁有音樂製作經驗,目前已經發行超過5首原創歌曲 包括與商業電台合作的歌曲, "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"著重替學生打好根基 培養音樂興趣 發展不同風格 "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"可以預約試堂"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]}]...Guitar LessonsElectric Guitar LessonsNgau Tau KokSports (15)Hired rate21I am a licensed coach in Hong Kong Hong Kong Table Tennis Association - Registered Coach Leisure and Cultural Services Department - Coach Recreation and ...Table Tennis LessonsMid-LevelGuitar Courses (13)Hired rate17Deng Weifeng was admitted to rock school in 2006 and graduated from the Music Department of Hong Kong Baptist University, majoring in classical guitar. He ...Guitar LessonsClassical Guitar LessonElectric Guitar LessonsMong KokInstallation,Repairs & Maintenance,Engineering & Remodel (13)Hired rate33Each master of the company holds various relevant licenses recognized by the government. Each master has more than 25 years of relevant work experience. Including ...Plumbing WorksDrain Unclogging ServicesCement Works+ 2RemoteProofreading & Translation (1)Hired rate200教授日語: 留學日本六年,1993年畢業於國立東京外國語大學,主修日文,同年回港,從此在日資公司工作15年,主要負責聯絡客戶及翻譯工作。2008年開始全職教授日語及廣東話,精補日語能力試,生活及商業日語,特別注重發音及文法在實際生活中的應用。 教授廣東話及普通話: 在日本留學期間開始教授廣東話,曾考過國家語委普通...翻譯社Mong KokPersonal Development (1)Hired rate5Past clients include SMEs, multinational corporations, universities, and one of the most promising web development companies in Hong Kong. Different types of web pages and ...Business Insurance and Employee Benefit電商顧問Patent Application+ 1Kwai ChungMarketing (1)Hired rate5Past clients include SMEs, multinational corporations, universities, and one of the most promising web development companies in Hong Kong. Different types of web pages and ...SEM (Search Engine Marketing)SEO (Search Engine Optimization)Content MarketingKwai ChungWorkspace & Equipments,Renovation,Domestic Helper Services,Deep Cleaning,and others (14)Hired rate51Hello! We are happy to provide you with services. I have been engaged in water, electricity and air-conditioning maintenance and cleaning for decades! ! ! ...Air Conditioner Installation and RepairAir Conditioning CleaningOffice Interior Design & Renovation+ 8Tai Kok TsuiDomestic Helper Services (1)Hired rate5Ms. Cong employs high-quality local domestic helpers and drivers from the Philippines and Indonesia, and employs suitable domestic helpers and follow-up services for different families ...Domestic Helper RecruitmentNorth Point
LmMMugj3H54 near Tai Hang
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