Violin Lesson in Sai Ying Pun
String Instrument Lessons,Keyboard Lessons,Other Music Lessons NEWHired rate0Alice Wong 🎹 🎻 Pianist & Violinist 🌐 Http:// 📧 inf***@*****.com Master of Music, Classical Piano Performance Manhattan School of Music Bachelor of ...Piano LessonKeyboard LessonMusic Theory Lesson+ 2RemoteString Instrument Lessons,Other Music Lessons NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Hello, I am Tiffany, a professional musician, a conductor and an instrumental teacher with more than 7 years of experience for violin and viola. "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"\nProfessional ...Music Theory LessonOrchestra Training LessonViolin Lesson+ 1RemoteString Instrument Lessons,Other Music Lessons (4)Hired rate15* Graduated from the Department of Music, The Chinese University of Hong Kong * Over 20 years of teaching experience. * Highly recommended for children ...Music Theory LessonSong Composition LessonViolin LessonPrince EdwardString Instrument Lessons (3)Hired rate3I completed a music degree at Baptist University in my early years, and then obtained a scholarship to complete a master of music at the ...Violin LessonViola LessonRemoteString Instrument Lessons (2)Hired rate2My pen name is JIYAHON, I graduated from the British Higher Diploma in Graphic Design of Caritas Bianchi Professional Design College, I have obtained A-level ...Violin LessonTo Kwa WanString Instrument Lessons NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"張氏是一位活躍的表演小提琴家和音樂教育家,擁有超過20年的亞洲及英國的獨奏和音樂會演出經驗。她曾受邀在紐約卡內基音樂廳、倫敦巴比肯音樂廳、香港文化中心、香港大會堂及大阪節日音樂廳等著名場館擔任協奏曲獨奏家及管弦樂團的樂手及演奏者。她從小起參加並贏得多個香港、日本和中國的國際音樂比賽,並參與多個國內外的樂團演出,如新愛樂樂團(香港)、中國香港青年交響樂團、香港演藝學院交響樂團、倫敦Guildhall School交響樂團及倫敦西班牙復興管弦樂團等。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"張氏畢業於倫敦Guildhall School of Music & Drama音樂學院,主修小提琴演奏,以優異表現獲得音樂碩士學位,同時也於香港演藝學院取得音樂學榮譽學士學位。她在獨奏、室內樂和管弦樂曲目方面有著深厚的造詣。她師從世界級的小提琴家,如杰奎琳·羅斯教授、前香港小交響樂團首席盧嘉儀女士,以及現任香港管弦樂團首席王敬先生等等。此外,她還曾跟隨著名指揮家蒂莫西·雷德蒙教授學習管弦樂指揮。張氏也參與過著名弦樂四重奏的大師班,包括奧利安弦樂四重奏、恩德里安弦樂四重奏及上海四重奏等。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"張氏亦是一名英國高中註冊音樂教師,擁有英國教師資格證書(QTS),並在全球教育排名第一的倫敦大學學院(UCL)獲得中學音樂教學的研究生證書(PGCE)。她因其卓越的教育領導能力而獲得認可另獲嘉許,並在她的音樂教育研究論文中取得UCL音樂教育部中最高成績。她擁有大約6年的國際教學經驗,在倫敦和香港的私人和學校環境中教授各類樂器、音樂理論和音樂史。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"在音樂教學法方面,張氏擁有豐富的經驗,擅長為學生準備ABRSM考試、音樂比賽、GCSE和A-Level音樂課程。她亦擅長與有特殊教育需求(SEN)的學生合作,採用因材施教的教學方式以支持個別學習需求。張氏熱衷於培養學生對音樂的終身熱愛和興趣,訓練學生紮實基本功,並通過高度系統性且仔細、富有創意和友善的教學方式,幫助學生提高音樂水平、自信心和創意。 "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]}]...Violin LessonViola LessonPrince EdwardString Instrument Lessons (2)Hired rate7- Performance grade Trinity ATCL - Grade 8 Piano Grade 8 Music Theory ABRSM - Mong Kok own classroom - Multiple performance experience in concert ...Violin LessonViola LessonMong KokString Instrument Lessons,Performers & Artists (1)Hired rate1香港小提琴家鄭蘇佳先生畢業於香港演藝學院,現任於香港專弦音樂&卡貝斯音樂學院音樂总监及Mr.Quartet,致力推動各個領域的音樂文化及音樂教育。鄭氏活躍于古典音樂及流行樂壇,热衷于小提琴和大提琴的演奏。2007年起便開始擔任香港城市室樂團小提琴樂師,他也是很多香港著名樂團和海外樂團的客席音樂家,其中包括香港纯弦、香港愛樂樂團和澳门精英室樂團。鄭氏更擔任各著名的流行歌手演唱會演奏及海外巡回演出過百場。其中包括張學友、陳奕迅、鄭秀文,譚詠麟、徐小鳳,張敬軒,葉麗儀,顧嘉煇,李玟,陳潔儀,劉家昌,黃貫中,王苑之,李克勤,黃麗玲,容祖兒,梁靜茹等等。 鄭氏亦受邀擔任第23屆香港金像獎,香港電台,叱垞903,新城娛樂台慶,TVB2016勁歌金曲,TVB50週年台慶等表演 Danny Cheng is currently ...Violin LessonViola LessonCello Lesson+ 1Mong KokString Instrument Lessons (1)Hired rate2I started learning the violin since I was a child, and studied with the famous conductor and violinist Master Mak Ka Lok. Last year, he ...Violin LessonNorth PointVocal Lessons,Other Music Lessons,String Instrument Lessons,Audio Visual Lessons,and others (4)Hired rate14Music Can provides a variety of music services, including various music education courses such as Pop Vocal, Wooden Guitar, Electric Guitar, Ukulele, Bass, Pop Drums, ...Acoustic Guitar LessonBass Guitar LessonElectric Guitar Lesson+ 8Diamond Hill
- Jessica LeeNovember 19, 2024Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
Sir Zhuo is very attentive in teaching children, and he teaches students in accordance with their aptitude. The children's abilities have improved a lot in the past year or so. The children were very happy when they got merit in the CET-4 exam.
- Emmayujin FuOctober 20, 2024Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
The teacher taught very well, explained the profound things in simple terms, and benefited a lot.
- Marcus HarveyJuly 14, 2024
Ian Chow is an amazing violin teacher. My 12 year old son has been learning violin since he was 6. He recently switched to Mr Chow and he has improved my son's performances to a very high standard.
- VincentMay 11, 2024
I have been learning violin with Ian for about 2 years. His teaching instructions are clear and helpful. He is patient in dealing with my mistakes. I am happy to see my growth under his guidance and will have no hesitation to recommend him to anyone.
- Ava kwokMay 8, 2024Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
Miss cheung will carefully guide students and provide professional advice on learning piano.
- FrankieMay 7, 2024Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
The teacher teaches seriously and is easy to understand.