XtrFlzDvlPE in Deep Water Bay
Tutoring NEWHired rate0📜Qualifications📜 🌱The second year of Bachelor of Medicine and Medicine, University of Hong Kong 🌱DSE picks 11 capsules alone ⭐️ 🌱Have...English TutoringBiology TutoringChemistry Tutoring+ 5RemoteLanguage Lessons,Tutoring NEWHired rate0💫 Teaching Experience 💫 🍀Hong Kong registered teacher 🍀Has 20 years of Chinese teaching experience 🍀Familiar with Chinese curriculum and examination ...Chinese TutoringMandarin Language Lesson for AdultsRemoteTutoring NEWHired rate0🎓BBA major in marketing from City University of Hong Kong, GPA 3.34 🎓Won the Dean List three times in 2015-2017 (Dean's Commendation List) ...Chinese TutoringEnglish TutoringBiology Tutoring+ 4RemoteTutoring NEWHired rate0📜Tutor Qualifications📜 💫 Graduated from HKUST Department of Chemistry🧪 💫Nearly ten years of chemistry tutoring experience👨🏻🔬 💫Currently a full-time chemistry tutor, there...Chemistry TutoringRemoteTutoring NEWHired rate0🌟2018 DSE candidates 🌟 Currently studying in the fourth year of the University of Hong Kong, majoring in law and accounting 🥇4 years...Chinese TutoringEconomics TutoringEnglish TutoringRemoteTutoring NEWHired rate0📝資深教師,專業補習📝 ✨興趣和專長✨ 📚中文、英文、人文學科 📚初中、高中課程經驗豐富 �...Chinese TutoringEnglish TutoringLiberal Studies Tutoring+ 2RemoteTutoring NEWHired rate0🌟Master of Hong Kong University 🎓 🌟Now serving as a university teaching assistant 🌟Working as a middle school teacher ✨Experienced professor ...Chinese TutoringAcademic TutoringEnglish Tutoring+ 5RemoteWater Sports (126)Hired rate179您好,我是Vic. 我們是 Easy Swim ! 也是Hello推薦的金牌優質教練! 人人都讚好丨過百人聘請丨 我的教學經驗有十年。有游泳教練證...Swimming Lesson for AdultsSwimming LessonSwimming LessonRemoteGadgets (239)Hired rate847[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"😊您好,我是阿廣師傳,擁有8年多的維修手機經驗,已修好幾萬部手機,平板等,得到眾多顧客的信任。\n除了鰂魚涌開咗20年嘅門市服務外,我可以提供免費上門的手機維修服務!我能維修絕大部分的手機故障,包括更換玻璃面﹑更換液晶面﹑更換電池﹑更換充電接口﹑充電位﹑前置後置鏡頭﹑不同按鍵﹑不同聽筒功能等。\n如不清楚您的手機狀況,歡迎向我查詢,我能為你解答。\n💸平板電腦維修參考報價:\n📱手機換電$200起, 換mon $300起\n🍎 iPad 換電大概$300-$800 (視乎型號同壞機情況) 換屏範圍$300-$3000都有\n📞 歡迎前來門店或致電預約上門維修!"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"📞 聯繫方式:+852 561***85"}]}]...Tablet RepairMobile RepairQuarry BayHome Repair & Installation,Office Repair & Installation (493)Hired rate779[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我係黃師傅,擁有水喉牌的專業資格。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"承接任何家居水喉維修,水喉工程,渠務工程,專業通渠,安拆水泵等服務。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"多謝各客戶的大力支持,本公司被選為年度星級專家,絕對是安心之選,服務質素有保證,我一般收費為$600 - $1200 左右,視乎情況而定。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"通渠不成功不收費。\n"}]}]...Home PlumbingClear Clogged DrainHome Appliance Installation and Repair+ 2Remote
XtrFlzDvlPE near Deep Water Bay
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