P_njLUh6kgQ in Choi Hung
Proofreading & Translation (1)Hired rate200教授日語: 留學日本六年,1993年畢業於國立東京外國語大學,主修日文,同年回港,從此在日資公司工作15年,主要負責聯絡客戶及翻譯工作。2008年開始全職教授日語及廣東話,精補日語能力試,生活及商業日語,特別注重發音及文法在實際生活中的應用。 教授廣東話及普通話: 在日本留學期間開始教授廣東話,曾考過國家語委普通...翻譯社Japanese TranslationMong KokHair & Makeup,On Wedding Day,Makeup & Hairstyling,Wedding Service (1)Hired rate3[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Beauty-Makeup & 個人化妝班導師"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"美睫服務,設計 "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我是化妝師Wing Chan,同時也教授個人化妝班,亦是一名美睫師;因修讀設計科目,所以喜歡追尋美感及形象。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"參與過不同廣告、明星MV製作、舞台劇等工作,亦接新娘化妝及pre-wedding化妝,且備受好評。 "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"專業資格: ☼TQUK國際化妝專業認可證書 ☼專業新娘化妝及髮型技巧證書level3 "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"服務特點: 根據新娘五官調整適合...Wedding Hair and MakeupPerformance Hair and MakeupEvent Hair and Makeup+ 1Tsim Sha TsuiOutsourcing,Overseas Studies,Exam Preparation,Running Errands,and others (7)Hired rate27Hi, I am Vivien! I am of British, Japanese and Chinese ancestry. I was born in London and brought up there. Because of my British ...English Language Lesson for AdultsJapanese Language LessonIELTS Tutoring+ 4RemoteAthletics (11)Hired rate16資深跑步/路跑教練。 專項長跑,着重改善跑姿及制定跑步訓練計劃。 針對各紀律部隊考核項目進行訓練 跑手堂教練團...Running Training LessonSham Shui PoDeep Cleaning,Storage & Moving,Home Repair & Installation,Office Chores,and others (15)Hired rate25Professional packaging, handling, moving house, moving office building, free carton box, free quotation, fair price...淘寶傢俬安裝Furniture DisposalFurniture Recycling+ 12RemoteWind Instrument Lessons (2)Hired rate4你好,本人考獲演奏級文憑試LTCL和ATCL(優異) 資歷: ATCL with Distinction (演奏第一級,優異成績) LTCL (演奏第二級) 另外...Flute LessonMa On ShanBall Games (3)Hired rate5[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Australian Tennis Professional Coaches Association (ATPCA) Graduated Professional Tennis Coach\n有十多年網球經驗,而且已經有三年教學經驗。網球運動不管成人,小朋友,退休人士都可參加,不論志在活動身體,培養興趣,還是專業球技訓練都可安排。基礎訓練包括正手擊球、反手擊球、發球等。進階層次例如網前截擊,發球及接發球; 比賽級別例如戰略運用,比賽分析等等。\nCoach with more than ten years ...Tennis LessonRemoteBoxing NEWHired rate0[Company Name] provides [Services] with [Service Characteristics] and has been widely praised. It has obtained [Professional Certification] and has been interviewed by [Media Reports]. Its ...Boxing LessonKickboxing LessonThai Boxing Lesson+ 1Mong KokBall Games NEWHired rate0👋🏻I am Coach Long and have taught basketball for more than three years. 🏀I am the coach of primary and secondary school ...Basketball LessonRemoteWeb (1)Hired rate1Contact us at: D +852 291***60 M/whatsapp +852 649***52 E i***@************.com W DigiDumpling.com Jenny Chan, Project Executive DigiDumpling Limited DigiDumpling is a Hong Kong based ...UI DesignWebsite DesignWebsite DevelopmentKwun Tong
P_njLUh6kgQ near Choi Hung
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