Pet sitters (dog sitters) and pet sitting services on our platform are verified and reviewed on a professional level. Our pet sitters are trained and well-educated in pet care. There are two types of pet sitting services, either boarding at a pet hotel/kennel or live in pet sitters. They are responsible for your pet's daily meals, interacting with them including walking the dog... The pros on Hellotoby are here to help you solve any of your concerns!
Compare and Hire the Best Pet Sitters in Hong Kong
2156Approved Pet SittersNeed a hand to take care of your beloved pets when you're gone? Worrying your pets getting separation anxiety living in dog hotels or pet hotels? Our pet sitting service is the most trusted and professional solution in Hong Kong such as live in Pet Sitting services and overnight care.
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good service
Thank you haha for taking care of me these days~🤍 I feel at ease that your order will arrive at my place on time and attentively🫡 Every time I see Bobo on cam, I look forward to you. Li Zhong will yell at you to welcome you~😆 I’ll call you next time if I need it~🥰
Thank you Haha for taking good care of my two cats so that I can travel with peace of mind. Haha will first come to learn about the living habits of the two cats, and will update their situation every day. My two cats are very shy, but after two or three days they were willing to come out and play with them. I will look for him next time I travel :)
Hire the Best Pet Sitter in 3 Steps
Pet Sitting And Boarding Average Cost
Minimum | $156 |
Average | $195 |
Maximum | $250 |
Actual Pet Sitting and Boarding Requests
“Find a Pet Care Professional”
Hong Kong-Wan Chai
How many pets do you have?1What breed is your pet?dog: pomeranianAnything else you would like your Pro to know?twice a day - morning and evening. August 10 evening to August 22 morning.“Looking for someone to stay with Elvis when we are out of town”
Hong Kong-Kennedy Town
How many pets do you have?1What breed is your pet?Rescue DogAnything else you would like your Pro to know?Friends of ours have offered to assist, but we do not want to burden them for prolonged periods. Therefore, we would like to get a quote for daily rates during the relevant time, to ...“Dog walker”
New Territories-Tseung Kwan O
How many pets do you have?1What breed is your pet?PapillionAnything else you would like your Pro to know?Mainly taking them out for lunch and dinner time walk whils im at work and feeding them