HIFU V 面緊緻極速瘦面療程
極緻拉提 V 面立塑 提升輪廓
Original Price
Toby Discount
1 x HIFU V 面緊緻極速瘦面療程
HIFU 美容療程有輪廓拉提的作用,針對衰老、下垂皮膚鬆馳、皺紋、雙下巴、頸紋、膠原蛋白流失、眼眉下垂、輪廓不清晰、皮膚膚質不平均、胸部皺紋等情況。HIFU 全名為 High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (高能量聚焦式超聲波), 技術釋出高強超聲波至皮膚表面下的真皮層,深至4.5mm 的筋膜層,透過加熱令皮內組纖內溫度提升至 60 至 70 度,產生收縮效果,刺激膠原蛋白生長,能即時產生瘦面、提拉、去皺及緊緻作用,同時不會損害肌底周圍組織,達到真正無創瘦面。
HIFU 治療層面
1.5mm 真皮層:提亮膚色,淡化疤痕,幼滑毛孔
3.0mm 真皮層:擊退紋理(乾紋,法令紋,頸紋等)緊緻肌膚,提拉眼眉
4.5mm 筋膜層:消除雙下巴,清晰輪廓,V 面提升。
1. 深層清潔面部.
4. 專業無痛鉗清 去除黑頭粉刺
5. 專業修眉
6. 4.5mm深入筋膜層,刺激肌腱筋膜提升面部輪廓
7. 3.0mm 埋入膠原層,刺激膠原增生重現年輕肌膚
8. 2.0mm 修護表皮層,減淡眼周及面部細紋
9.面膜(為肌膚補水 & 即時降紅)
10. 爽膚、眼霜、面霜、防曬
- 改善眼皮下垂和皺紋
- 提升面部整體線條
- 淡化及改善眼袋及黑眼圈
- 提拉及收緊雙下巴
Terms and Conditions
Effective Period
1. Bookings: Within the scheduled timeslot on the scheduled date
2. Vouchers: Within 60 days of purchase
How to Redeem
1. A confirmation email will be sent to you after successful payment. If you have purchased a voucher, please make a booking with the merchant at your earliest convenience.
2. Please present the redemption code from your confirmation email (can also be found under “Services” in your account) to the merchant to redeem the service.
Terms and Conditions
1. This voucher can only be redeemed once. It cannot be refunded or exchanged for cash and no change will be provided .
2. The effective period of this voucher cannot be extended. All expired and unredeemed vouchers are deemed invalid.
3. The redemption code must be presented to the merchant and verified for redemption.
4. In case of any disputes, Toby reserves the right of final decision.
1. Please make your booking in advance.
2. The treatment should take 1 to 2 hours.
3. Please inform the merchant 2 days in advance if you need to reschedule.
4. A confirmation email will be sent to you within 5 minutes of successful payment. If you can't find it, please check your spam/junk folder. Please remember to mark all emails from Toby as “Not Spam/Junk”.
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