Kevin Yang

Sai Ying Pun and 14 regions
1 Employee(s)
6+ Years
Certified Public Accountant by day, Internationally Certified Personal Trainer by night. My name is Kevin, and my hybrid professional background lets me understand what it takes for white collars to become bigger, faster and stronger. Qualifications: • Performance Enhancement Specialist (NASM) (in-progress) • Boxing Instructor (HKBA) (in-progress) • CPT (NASM) • CPA (Aust.) • Master of Accounting (ANU) • Bachelor of Psychology (UBC) Experience: • 3 years freelance PT (one client as old as 62) • > 10 years resistance training Specializations: • Strength training for sedentary adults and seniors to fight strength loss from aging; • Correcting techniques, postures and nutrition concepts to maximize genetic potential and energy; • Conditioning for inner motivation and confidence to conquer bottle-necks or fear; • Boxing for fitness, reaction and body coordination. My training philosophy: I don't believe in genetic limitations, and age is just a number. I will help to realize it.
Open Time
Monday, Thursday, Friday (after 7pm), Saturday (after 5pm) and Sunday (after 1pm)
International Certified Personal Trainer (NASM)