Task Center
- Event Hair and Makeup1. 請選擇你需要獲得服務的地區: 港島灣仔區. 2. 你需要以下哪項服務?(可多選) 髮型設計, 化妝. 3. 你需要配合哪種活動的髮型及化妝服務? 婚禮. 4. 有多少人需要活動髮型及化妝服務? 1人. 5. 需要活動髮型及化妝服務的對象年齡是? 26 - 44歲. 6. 你希望如何獲得服務? 前往門市, 專家上門. 7. 你希望專家什麼時候有空? 在一個特定時間. 8. 請提供詳細服務時段 12 noon - 1pm. 9. 還有什麼需要讓專家知道?(如無,可略過) 我想化妝同set頭,因為晚上有婚宴. 10. 專家可以用哪種語言聯繫你? 廣東話. 11. 您會否希望專家透過whatsapp聯絡您? 是. .Wan ChaiAt Pro's locationTravel to customerExpires after 26 days2 pros notified
- Emcee Service1. How many guests are you expecting for the event ? 20 - 50. 2. How old are your guests for the event? 26 - 44 Years Old, 45 - 64 Years Old. 3. What type of event are you hosting that requires a MC? Corporate Or Office. 4. Is the venue indoor or outdoor? Indoor. 5. Which language do you prefer the host to use? English. 6. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. . company D&DJurongAt Pro's locationTravel to customerExpires after about 2 months2 pros notified