Task Center

  • Acoustic Guitar Lesson1. What is the student's current acoustic guitar experience? 6 months or less. 2. How old is the student who wants to learn acoustic guitar? 26 - 30 years old. 3. What is the student's purpose of learning acoustic guitar? Long term. 4. What guitar techniques do you want to learn? Nothing specific. 5. How long would you like the lessons to be? 45 Minutes. 6. What days are you available to meet? Saturday, Sunday. 7. Where do you need the service? Pros should travel to my location, I can visit ...
    QueenstownAt Pro's locationTravel to customertag
    Expires after about 20 hours3 pros notified
  • Tennis Lesson1. Please choose the service district: Wan Chai District. 2. What equipment do you expect the instructor to provide? Tennis balls, Outdoor court, Indoor court. 3. What is your experience level in this activity? Beginner. 4. How old is the student who wants to learn tennis? 31 - 40 years old. 5. Which type of lesson does student prefer? 1-on-1. 6. Which time slot you prefer to conduct the class? Before 09:00, 15:00 - 18:00, After 18:00. 7. Which languages do you prefer the lesson to be held i...
    Wan ChaiAt Pro's location
    Expires after about 4 hours2 pros notified
  • Tennis Lesson1. What is the student's current tennis level? No experience. 2. How old is the student who wants to learn tennis? 31 - 40 years old. 3. Do you prefer 1 on 1 tennis lesson or group tennis lesson? 1 on 1 private lesson. 4. What days are you available to meet? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 5. Your Gender Female. .
    BalmoralAt Pro's location
    Expires after about 2 hours4 pros notified
  • Van Rental Service1. What is your purpose of requesting van rental service? Personal Rental. 2. What time and date do you need the van? Friday. .
    GeylangAt Pro's location
    Expires after 4 days2 pros notified
  • Home Assistance1. Which type of service do you primarily request for? Nanny Service. 2. Any subsidiary services do you wish to request as well? Cooking Service. 3. What is the square footage of your home? 500 - 700 sq. ft.. 4. How often do you need the service? Others (Please specify). 5. How many hours do you need the helper for? 8. 6. Will you be able to provide home cleaning supplies? Yes. .
    YishunTravel to customer
    Expires after 9 months2 pros notified
  • Event Hair and Makeup1. 請選擇你需要獲得服務的地區: 港島灣仔區. 2. 你需要以下哪項服務?(可多選) 髮型設計, 化妝. 3. 你需要配合哪種活動的髮型及化妝服務? 婚禮. 4. 有多少人需要活動髮型及化妝服務? 1人. 5. 需要活動髮型及化妝服務的對象年齡是? 26 - 44歲. 6. 你希望如何獲得服務? 前往門市, 專家上門. 7. 你希望專家什麼時候有空? 在一個特定時間. 8. 請提供詳細服務時段 12 noon - 1pm. 9. 還有什麼需要讓專家知道?(如無,可略過) 我想化妝同set頭,因為晚上有婚宴. 10. 專家可以用哪種語言聯繫你? 廣東話. 11. 您會否希望專家透過whatsapp聯絡您? 是. .
    Wan ChaiAt Pro's locationTravel to customer
    Expires after 26 days2 pros notified
  • Event Photography1. What type of event is the photography service for? Parties. 2. How many guests are you expecting for the event? 20 - 50. 3. Where is your event located? Indoors. 4. How long do you need the event photographer for? Half day. 5. How would you like to receive the final product? Digital/ online download. 6. What is your budget for the event photography service? $150. . It’s a birthday party!
    ChangiTravel to customer
    Expires after 17 days2 pros notified
  • Event Photography1. What type of event is the photography service for? Others (please specify). 2. How many guests are you expecting for the event? 50 - 100. 3. Where is your event located? Indoors. 4. How long do you need the event photographer for? Others (please specify). 5. How would you like to receive the final product? Digital/ online download, Usb flash drive, Printed photos, Photobook. 6. What is your budget for the event photography service? $600.. . Wedding ceremony
    OrchardTravel to customer
    Expires after 3 months2 pros notified
  • Emcee Service1. How many guests are you expecting for the event ? 20 - 50. 2. How old are your guests for the event? 26 - 44 Years Old, 45 - 64 Years Old. 3. What type of event are you hosting that requires a MC? Corporate Or Office. 4. Is the venue indoor or outdoor? Indoor. 5. Which language do you prefer the host to use? English. 6. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. . company D&D
    JurongAt Pro's locationTravel to customer
    Expires after about 2 months2 pros notified
  • Home Assistance1. Which type of service do you primarily request for? Nanny Service. 2. Any subsidiary services do you wish to request as well? Nanny Service. 3. What is the square footage of your home? 1500 - 2000 sq. ft.. 4. How often do you need the service? Others (Please specify). 5. How many hours do you need the helper for? 8. 6. Will you be able to provide home cleaning supplies? Yes. .
    BedokTravel to customer
    Expires after 18 days2 pros notified