寵物服務 NEW獲聘次數0狗狗行為調整 生活習慣養成 建立主人自信,培養健全狗格 和諧人狗相處 自豪的事: 訓練多隻成功的導盲...寵物訓練不限服務地區寵物服務,寵物寄養 NEW獲聘次數0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"大家好,我是不一樣的專業的訓犬師Sam"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"專業工作犬訓練年資:12年"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"訓練特殊工作犬:34隻"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"●家犬行為調整超過上百隻"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"●超過上百場大專院校、各機關單位演講"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"透過行為觀察量身打造課程,聆聽飼主需求,建構正確飼養觀念,增進寵物與主人連結度,讓受過良好教育的犬隻養在活中。"}]}]...寵物訓練寵物託管臺東縣 • 臺東市
- Kit2025年2月2日
- Leanne Fung2025年2月2日
A friend recommended Carsten to help our dog work on some behaviour adjustments. He was quick to share his observations on my dog’s behaviour and provided very constructive feedback to help us help her build more confidence and set boundaries at home and outdoors. He is really easy to work with and also very generous with sharing his knowledge even over WhatsApp for quick tips and input. I really appreciate Carsten’s support and would highly recommend his service to anyone with a dog!
- Grace Chang2025年2月1日
Carsten is the best dog trainer in town. 👍👍👍
- Rebecca Ching Yee2025年1月31日
Carsten Sir.非常細心.留意到平時會忽略嘅重要事項.令墨丸盡快融入家庭生活.上堂服務.可以經常練習🥰🥰就算上完堂之後亦都會WhatsApp跟進.售後服務非常滿意
- Amy2025年1月29日
- 教得好仔細 - 樂意解釋任何有關狗仔既(即時)問題 - 十分了解狗仔行為
- Callis Hung2025年1月28日