
Greenview Villa HOS543sq. ftTsing YiRenovation And Design

Galaxy Interior Design
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Total Fee
450k - 500k
90 days

Renovation Content

Tsing YiGreenview Villa Project

The whole house is divided into two spaces. Behind the door is the dining room and the meeting place for guests. The designer cleverly hides the master bedroom and bathroom with special wall and invisible door design, thereby dividing your own private space. The meeting place for guests is the kitchen and living room. The living room is made of brown sliver wood wall as a special wall, highlighting the casual style. The kitchen uses black and white as the main color, in line with the concise environment of the hall, so that you can feel the breath of nature while working. The master bedroom is divided by the platform, and two sets of high cabinets are added at the same time. There is a lot of storage space in the room, and the black and white rest area makes the bedroom simple and stylish.
2 BR 1 LR 1 WC
543sq. ft(Actual)
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