Personal Training in Yau Tong
Pet Service,Pet Sitting,Pet Beauty (1)Hired rate1🛁B-brand professional pet groomer, 10 years in the business. In addition to providing door-to-door pet grooming services, he also volunteers at dog farms from ...Pet GroomingPet Sitting and BoardingTuen MunLanguage Lessons NEWHired rate1[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"您好!我是Jenny Wang,"},{"text":"普通話水平測試成績為一級乙等(95分),兼職輔導普通話基礎,職場普通話,普通話水平測試應試技巧。","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"\n我的日常工作兼顧內地及香港,熟悉內地普通話溝通方式,也可用流利廣東話與同學溝通,教學對象主要為職場人士。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我的服務對象包括教師行業,金融行業,建築行業,管理行業等,他們通常是"},{"text":"需要練習普通話發音、對話技巧,以應用於日常工作,與客戶面談,提升專業形象;也有需要考取普通話水平測試,獲得專業資格證書。","bold":true},{"text":"\n\n我的授課方式:"},{"text":"面授","bold":true},{"text":"港島區,九龍區(新界區需商議時間地點)/ "},{"text":"網上教學","bold":true},{"text":"(ZOOM, Google Meeting)\n\n"},{"text":"會安排網上免費試堂 ,希望先了解同學的普通話水平,及實際需求後再度身訂造課程。","bold":true}]}]...Mandarin Language Lesson for AdultsRemoteBoxing (1)Hired rate3🥊One-on-one boxing class🥊 20 years of teaching experience 🥇 Including HIIT, BOSU, TRX, 👊🏻Boxing 👊🏻 …Aerial yoga is also available...Boxing LessonWomen's Boxing LessonKickboxing Lesson+ 1All Hong KongExercise & Fitness,Nutrition (1)Hired rate8Mid Age Man is run by head trainer Alex Frew McMillan. Alex is a Certified Personal Trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He ...Personal TrainingTRX Suspension TrainingStretching Lesson+ 1Tai PoExercise & Fitness (1)Hired rate6𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓸𝓵 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓰丨𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾 🏋️Personal Trainer 🧘🏻 Yoga Teacher (®️RYT-200✅) 🏃...Stretching LessonYoga LessonPersonal TrainingTseung Kwan OBall Games (1)Hired rate2About Coach Tang Kim Ying 🎖YMCA basketball bronze medal coach 🏀 A group of Eagles basketball team members 🎓 Graduated from the Department ...Basketball LessonMei FooWedding Performance,Performers & Artists,Other Music Lessons,String Instrument Lessons (1)Hired rate1◎ 10 years of violin teaching experience Born in Hong Kong, I started learning the violin at the age of 7 and won several awards ...Violin LessonOrchestra Training LessonMusic PerformanceSai Ying PunWater Sports (1)Hired rate5🏊🏻♀️Leo Fong丨Swimming Zi for 9 years🏆Current Hong Kong team representative and academic champion🏆 ✔️Many years of local and foreign competition experience✔️Cantonese/English/Mandarin...Swimming LessonTsim Sha TsuiWind Instrument Lessons (1)Hired rate1Liu studied trumpet in middle school, followed by Mrs. Chen Zhile, Yang Kailing, Yan Chiquan and Feng Jiaxing to learn trumpet successively. Now she is ...Trumpet LessonAll Hong KongLifestyle Photograhy,Wedding Photography & Videography,Audio & Visual Production,Commercial (1)Hired rate8Hello~ I am Elena and live in HK with my little family. I am a photographer, who loves to capture the moments and lock those ...Documentary ProjectBaby PhotographyEvent Photography+ 19Remote
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