P_njLUh6kgQ in Wu Kai Sha
Commercial (1)Hired rate73[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"你好,我是專業攝影師.超過15年攝影經驗.\n我的網站有更多資料.\nhttps://www.terryszephotography.com\n個人網站: https://www.terryszephotography.com\n近年作品多次獲獎:\n今年更贏了國家地理會德豐-攝影獎冠軍,多份報紙均有報到及訪問: \nhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/1cwby72qmqfgbhc/AppleDaily.pdf?dl=0\n另外人像方面亦贏得旅遊發展局的reframing Hong Kong 攝影比賽,作品在製成名信片,在各遊客中心派發。\nhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/4llihhvo62ojp94/Discovery%20HK.jpg?dl=0"}]}]...Product PhotographyCorporate Headshot PhotographyRemoteWorkspace & Equipments,Moving Services,Repairs & Maintenance (67)Hired rate113The company is a Hong Kong-registered moving company with a professional team. Hop Hing Moving provides the following services, whether it is home, office, shop ...辦公室搬遷RelocationMini Storage / Storage Services+ 1RemoteWorkspace & Equipments,Moving Services,Repairs & Maintenance (63)Hired rate81[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"你好,我們是Jarvis Group,主要業務/服務包括傢俬棄置、傢俬回收、搬運服務、淘寶傢俬安裝及回收電器。\n我們公司廣受好評,是你的信心之選。\n如對服務有任何問題,歡迎客戶向我們查詢,我們會盡快回應解答,你也可以在Toby 網頁查看客人對我們的好評。"}]}]...Furniture Disposal Services搬魚缸Construction Waste Disposal+ 7RemoteMoving Services (41)Hired rate78[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"明星搬屋存倉公司,24小時為您服務,搬寫字樓、搬倉、高級搬屋、用心服務、稱心滿意。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"如有需要,歡迎致電:988***28。"}]}]...RelocationInternational RelocationRemoteQuality Inspection,Repairs & Maintenance (45)Hired rate51The Buildings Department approves minor works contractors, providing professional window inspection services, free inspections and quotations, undertaking aluminum window repairs and installations, window edge waterproofing ...Mosquito Net & Screen InstallationWindow Inspection ServicesRemoteEngineering & Remodel (69)Hired rate607水道屋是香港正規注冊持牌公司。 我們的服務范圍:專業冷氣清洗、專業通渠服務、水喉水務工程、油漆、防水...Door Installation ServiceFurniture AssemblyDemolition Services+ 6RemoteRenovation (2)Hired rate38Hello, we are [company name], established in [year], our main business/services include [list business]. Our company [list service features], [example: full private follow-up], [example: one-on-one ...Home RenovationPartial RenovationFull Home RenovationSham Shui PoDancing (21)Hired rate71⚡Zeekers Danz Production ⚡ Hong Kong's famous professional hip-hop school and dance entertainment production company was founded in 2009, has rich stage experience, is committed...K-Pop Dance ClassesHip-Hop Dance ClassesTsuen WanFitness Training (139)Hired rate143[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"私人健身教練Jimmy \n擁有超過十年教學以上經驗,曾經參加過不同大型健美比賽分別係\n2009年HKCBBA 65kg 以下季軍\n2010年HKFBF 65kg 以下 季軍\n2013年 HKFBF 古典健美170cm以下冠軍\n希望透過本人多年健身教學經驗同岀賽經驗,教導每位學員如何訓練增肌 減肥 減脂 ,我會因應學員身體不同需要去提...Personal TrainingMong KokInstallation (15)Hired rate3381Hello! My name is Jian, I am so happy to serve you. The company has been established for 3 years and has established different professional ...Wood Flooring ServicesDoor InstallationFurniture Works+ 1Remote
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