Az OV_SOgZ8 in Wong Tai Sin
Workspace & Equipments,Storage & Moving,Home Repair & Installation (2)Hired rate6[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"創新搬運搬屋公司為香港註冊公司,紮根超過三十年,聘請超過10年搬屋經驗的大師傅提供搬屋,搬寫字樓,辦公室搬運等搬運搬屋 及 存倉服務。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"創新搬屋公司具有豐富搬運經驗,我們堅持提供優質搬運服務給予支持每位客戶,為他們解決搬屋上煩擾,不單只是搬運、存倉及傢俬裝崁都能一手包辦,是您最值得信賴的搬屋公司。我們在香港已有30年搬運經驗,配備專業吊運設備,無論是村屋唐樓搬屋都能輕鬆解決,值得您推介的香港搬屋公司。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"服務聲明 : "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本公司強烈讉責其他搬屋公司\"坐地起價\"事宜,除非客戶認同我司工作表現,自願給予小費,否則我們一律不會向客戶收取報價以外的額外費用。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本公司報價時會因應地區、物品多少、搬運環境或複雜程度而釐訂合理的搬屋服務收費。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"客人如需更改搬屋日期,請最少七個工作天前與我們搬屋公司聯絡。"}]}]...Furniture Disposal搬寫字樓Relocation+ 3Shau Kei WanOutsourcing,Commercial Event Planning,Accounting & Taxes,Digital Marketing,and others NEWHired rate3372Company secretary accounting review market planning mainland entrepreneurship Welcome inquiry...Hand Out FlyerOffice SecretaryContent Writer+ 22San Po KongOther Lessons NEWHired rate82I have studied feng shui for more than 20 years. I have a master's degree in Hong Kong. I can speak Chinese, Cantonese, and English. ...Feng Shui LessonFo TanKeyboard Lessons (1)Hired rate2[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"香港教育大學音樂教育榮譽學士 (當代音樂及演奏教育學) 畢業,曾跟隨名師Maxwell Tino學琴3年,已考獲ABRSM 8級鋼琴和ABRSM 8級樂理(Merit)","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"- 3年教學經驗 (曾主要在Pop Rock Music任教)"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"- 著重理解、融匯貫通、隨心情即興彈奏、為旋律配...Keyboard LessonPiano LessonTsuen WanOther Music Lessons NEWHired rate57Have Rockschool Electric Guitar Grade 8 and Royal Academy of Music (ABRSM) Level 5 Certificate in Music Theory...Music Theory LessonSan Po KongWind Instrument Lessons,Running Errands,Design & Customization,Volunteer Service NEWHired rate33722019 prices T-shirts: starting at 30 pieces, each price is 75 yuan, one single color printing on the front and the back, and 4-5 yuan ...ErrandsRecruit VolunteerTime Auction Volunteer Recruitment+ 23RemoteOffice Repair & Installation NEWHired rate102For many years, small projects have been committed to providing customers with cost-effective services, expecting to expand their business by word of mouth...Air Conditioner Installation and RepairRemotePercussion Lessons (6)Hired rate39🎶Drums & Strings Music 🎶 ➡️Provide one-stop music center such as music teaching, musical instrument trading and music performance The center has rich...Drum LessonJazz Drum LessonCajon LessonNorth PointGadgets (71)Hired rate223Hi! We are a Computer Life on-site computer repair center, which was formed in 2004 by a group of professionals who love computers. Most of ...Tablet RepairComputer Repair and SupportLaptop Repair+ 1Sham Shui PoLifestyle Photograhy,On Wedding Day,Wedding Service,Audio Visual Lessons,and others (3)Hired rate19[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我們提供專業的商業拍攝影片服務,協助企業在網路媒體上展現其獨特價值與品牌形象。我們的團隊擁有豐富的影片拍攝經驗,以及對商業市場的深刻了解,能夠協助客戶製作創新、吸引人的影片,並運用網路媒體的力量,將影片傳達給更廣泛的觀眾。我們的服務涵蓋從策略規劃、拍攝、剪輯到上傳等全方位的服務,並且我們的價格相當合理,能夠為客戶提供高品質、實惠的影片製作方案。"}]}]...Photography LessonPet PhotographyVideography+ 21San Po Kong
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