BxDGD_2TOI in Wong Chuk Hang
Ball Games (1)Hired rate9- 香港網球總會一級教練 (ITF 銅級認證) - 接近10年網球教授經驗 - 曾任教 YMCA 及數間小學(包 括校隊及興趣班)...Tennis LessonAll Hong KongFitness,Exercise & Fitness (1)Hired rate7🧘🏽♀️Priscilla ◾️三年瑜珈練習經驗;兩年瑜珈教授經驗 ☑️於2020年9月完成200小時完成瑜珈導師課程。專注於單對單同小班教學。 ◾️瑜珈課程內容: 〰️瑜珈休息...Yoga LessonStretching LessonYoga & PilatesAll Hong KongOutsourcing,Business Research & Analytics,Proofreading & Translation (1)Hired rate1✨Introduction to Valerie✨ I have been engaged in garment documentary for nearly 1️⃣0️⃣ years, and have rich experience in data input and document processing📃. Due...Copyediting & ProofreadingTranscription ServiceTyping & Word Processing+ 4RemotePercussion Lessons (1)Hired rate3HI,I AM RYAN KAM 🎓畢業畢業於美國西華盛頓大學哲學系(副修音樂),後跟隨當地爵士鼔大師如Mark Colenburg 鑽研鼓藝 📄考獲Trinity college ATCL Drum Kit recital...Jazz Drum LessonCajon LessonDrum LessonLai Chi KokDeep Cleaning,Office Chores,Small Renovation (1)Hired rate1[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"專業油漆工, 超過20年經驗, 有既定步驟同流程,過程小心,會根據你要求完成你理想中的家居。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"由地盤到普通住家裝修。三...Floor Waxing and PolishingUnfurnished CleaningPost-renovation Cleaning+ 7RemotePercussion Lessons (1)Hired rate1🎵Mak Davy🎵 ⏳More than 5 years of teaching experience, once taught in the piano shop and teaching center 📜 Has passed the Rock ...Drum LessonJazz Drum LessonCajon LessonKwun TongWind Instrument Lessons (1)Hired rate5MuMu Music Room is located in Lai Chi Kok, 5 minutes away from the MTR station. Home teaching or online classes are also available 📃...Saxophone LessonAll KowloonPercussion Lessons,Guitar Courses (1)Hired rate3🎵Drum Tutor Patrick🎵 🥁Have more than 15 years of drumming experience and more than 10 years of teaching experience📃Passed Rockschool Grade 8 🏫...Drum LessonJazz Drum LessonCajon Lesson+ 3Ngau Tau KokDriving Lessons,Vocational Training NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Hello 我是Sam Pang 彭師傅, 擁有20年教車經驗,教導學生逾600名, 合格率高, 教學用心, 能助學員短時達標, 教法靈活, 精簡撮要,...Driving LessonAll Hong KongLanguage Lessons NEWHired rate1[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"您好!我是Jenny Wang,"},{"text":"普通話水平測試成績為一級乙等(95分),兼職輔導普通話基礎,職場普通話,普通話水平測試應試技巧。","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"\n我的日常工作兼顧內地及香港,熟悉內地普通話溝通方式,也可用流利廣東話與同學溝通,教學對象主要為職場人士。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我的服務對象包括教師行業,金融行業,建築行業,管理行業等,他們通常是"},{"text":"需要練習普通話發音、對話技巧,以應用於日常工作,與客戶面談,提升專業形象;也有需要考取普通話水平測試,獲得專業資格證書。","bold":true},{"text":"\n\n我的授課方式:"},{"text":"面授","bold":true},{"text":"港島區,九龍區(新界區需商議時間地點)/ "},{"text":"網上教學","bold":true},{"text":"(ZOOM, Google Meeting)\n\n"},{"text":"會安排網上免費試堂 ,希望先了解同學的普通話水平,及實際需求後再度身訂造課程。","bold":true}]}]...Mandarin Language Lesson for AdultsRemote
BxDGD_2TOI near Wong Chuk Hang
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