BxDGD_2TOI in Tsuen Wan
Dancing,Fitness,Yoga,Exercise & Fitness (2)Hired rate4[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Soul Yoga主要提供:🌟痛症舒緩瑜伽 🌟空中瑜伽 🌟運動按摩 🌟健身課程 🌟一對一課程等等 \n我們的首席導師 林曉芬Fion Lam ,有4年在痛症診所教導痛症伸展及運動的經驗。亦受邀在不同報章合撰「健康及運動」的文章。\nSoul Yoga課程👉🏻沒有合約限制 👉...Aerial Silk Dance LessonPersonal TrainingCrossfit Lesson+ 8All Hong KongQuality Inspection (4)Hired rate12Shun On Real Estate adheres to the business philosophy of "Don't forget the original heart", and provides professional building inspection services 🔎systematic process and ...Property InspectionRemoteGadgets (71)Hired rate223Hi! We are a Computer Life on-site computer repair center, which was formed in 2004 by a group of professionals who love computers. Most of ...Tablet RepairComputer Repair and SupportLaptop Repair+ 1Sham Shui PoKeyboard Lessons,Other Music Lessons (13)Hired rate19[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人為香港浸會大學音樂文學士碩士畢業生,鋼琴已考獲演奏級,樂理亦有八級MERIT資格,並獲得風琴獎學金,考獲演奏級。曾師承外國及本地名師,能有效了解學生弱點給予指導。雖然音樂是少數人職業,但如得到適合指導和發揮,亦能提升個人不同能力,如腦部靈活度、記憶力、手與腦協調、獨立思考能力、分析力、細心,除此之外,亦能增強自信。\n\n本人懂得教授正確彈奏姿勢發技巧,令學生學習事半功倍,亦能避免受傷。本人教授之曲目亦有別於一般學習書,令學生更快掌握技巧,配合學生適當練習,打破一年一級的概念,更能享受樂器的樂趣。學生持續學習多年的比率相當高。\n\n本人學生亦常於考試或比賽獲得佳績。本人亦爭取演奏機會,亦鼓勵學生多作個人表演,突破自己,與學生一起成長。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"IG: tang_musician"}]}]...Piano LessonMusic Theory LessonAural Skills Lesson+ 2Yuen LongWedding Performance,Performers & Artists,On Wedding Day,Event Planning,and others (10)Hired rate25For more than 10 years, he has served as the master of ceremonies, event hosts and on-stage experience in thousands of weddings, large and small. ...Event MCWedding PlanningRemoteSecurity System,Workspace & Equipments,Home Repair & Installation (10)Hired rate18Tianfeng Technology Co., Ltd. provides one-stop professional anti-theft security system services for everyone. 🐲 From design-installation service-repair service-maintenance service, all designs will be based on...Sound System Installation and RepairAccess Control System InstallationDigital Door Lock Installation and Repair+ 4CentralOverseas Studies,Exam Preparation,Tutoring,Running Errands,and others (2)Hired rate37[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🌟 大家好,我是Jack,一名擁有17年經驗的兼職私人補習老師!專注於科學(物理、化學、生物)和數學(數學、額外數學)等領域 📚\n\n我精通IB、IGCSE、GCSE和DSE課程,並持有多項專業證書:\n- 📜 2021年,香港大學碩士(M. Phil)\n- 🎓 2015年,卡迪夫大學成像科學學士(BSc)\n- 🥼 2012年,香港大學醫學科學碩士(M. Med. Sc)\n- 🌱 2008年,香港科技大學生物學學士(BSc),輔修通識教育\n- 🌍 雅思成績:7.0\n\n我曾擔任大學講師,並擁有豐富的教學經驗。我的學生評價我反應迅速、目標明確,並在工作效率、服務效果與態度方面均獲得5顆星評價 ...Academic TutoringCalculus TutoringChinese Tutoring+ 22CentralHousehold Service (57)Hired rate494Sunshine Laundry has been established for more than 20 years. Its business scope includes dry cleaning, wet cleaning, weight washing, ironing or pulp ironing, and ...Laundry ServiceDry cleaningSan Po KongBall Games,Boxing,Exercise & Fitness (5)Hired rate6Hi, my name is Allen. I have been engaged in fitness coaching for 5 years, holding an American professional certificate, internationally recognized NASM CPT (personal ...Personal Training健身教練課程Stretching Lesson+ 4RemoteHome Repair & Installation,Security System (9)Hired rate14[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我姓黃,擁有多年的安裝維修電子門鎖, 機械鎖和防盜眼安裝經驗,已協助超過2000個客戶解決問題,期間得到很多客戶的信任。\n我是提供上門服務,服務範圍包括港九新界等。\n如對門鎖, 維修有任何問題,歡迎客戶向我查詢,我十分樂意為你解答。"}]}]...Unlock and Lock Changing ServiceDigital Door Lock Installation and RepairSecurity Camera InstallationRemote
BxDGD_2TOI near Tsuen Wan
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