To Kwa Wan Directory
Audio & Visual Production (4)Hired rate4He holds a bachelor's degree in Advertising. He worked as a director, screenwriter, producer and photographer during his college days and participated in various national ...Audio MasteringCorporate Video ProjectMicrofilm Project+ 3Lai Chi KokTutoring NEWHired rate0I am studying at the Hong Kong Metropolitan University, majoring in Nursing. With tutoring experience, I am currently tutoring chemistry and biology for middle school ...Primary School TutoringChinese TutoringAcademic TutoringRemoteDigital Marketing NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Startup 公司區域市場部經理,專業提高銷售轉化率:"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"- Google 廣告"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"- Facebook 廣告"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"- Tracking 客戶追蹤設定"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"- Visualize Report ...Facebook MarketingInstagram MarketingSocial Media Marketing+ 4RemoteTutoring,Keyboard Lessons,Vocal Lessons NEWHired rate0Miss Kitty graduated from the Department of Creative Arts and Culture of the Education University of Hong Kong in 2018. She received formal music training ...Primary School TutoringKeyboard LessonPiano Lesson+ 2RemoteFacial and Body Treatment NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"資深營養師\n\n一畢業便於私人機構任職營養師,現為資深營養師。有豐富瘦身減脂,消減內臟脂肪,整腸通便,處理皮膚問題等經驗。最高成績一個月替客戶減去純脂肪1x磅(同時肌肉增加但零運動)及降內臟脂肪達35cm2。亦有替抑鬱症患者處理情緒問題及三高人士(不肯食藥)降低膽固醇和血糖水平以致醫生同意減藥及停藥。"}]}]...Nutritionist ServiceTseung Kwan OString Instrument Lessons (4)Hired rate9Learned from renowned cellists Ms. Liu Yi and Mr. Ni Wenqiang, who had obtained the Diploma of Performance from the Trinity College of Music in ...Cello LessonTiu Keng LengWedding Performance,Performers & Artists,Keyboard Lessons,Other Music Lessons NEWHired rate0Wong graduated with First Class Honours from the Department of Music (major in piano) of Hong Kong Baptist University and is currently studying a Master ...Piano LessonMusic Theory LessonAural Skills Lesson+ 1Kwun TongWind Instrument Lessons NEWHired rate0I graduated from the Mainland Normal University with a bachelor's degree in music education. I majored in saxophone. I have worked as a saxophone instructor ...Saxophone LessonTsing YiExercise & Fitness NEWHired rate0Can help you shape your figure, tailor-made for you withEuropean international certificate...Personal TrainingCrossfit Lesson健身教練課程+ 4RemoteKids and Toddlers,Martial Arts NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"您好,我是黃Sir!我是您的空手道導師。我擁有超過15年的空手道經驗,並榮獲黑帶三段的資格。除了在自己的道場中擔任導師和協助教學多年外,我還曾在英國留學期間指導當地大學的學生選手,並與他們一同參加當地的賽事。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"作為一位導師,我曾在(沙田)聖公會曾肇添中學任教, 現時亦於(大埔)香港道教聯合會雲泉吳禮和紀念學校任教。我相信每個學生都擁有獨特的潛力和天賦。我致力於創造一個友善、安全且鼓勵的學習環境,以幫助學生們發展技巧、提升自信心,並養成紀律和道德價值觀。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我將結合我的豐富經驗和知識,根據每位學生的需求和能力制定個別化的訓練計劃。我將教授正確的基本動作、拳法、踢法和套路,並提供持續的反饋和指導,以幫助學生們不斷進步。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我非常期待與您一同踏上這段令人興奮的空手道之旅!如果您對我的教學課程感興趣,請隨時與我聯繫。我將非常樂意回答您的問題並提供更多詳細信息。"}]}]...Karate LessonKids ClassesSau Mau Ping
Service near To Kwa Wan
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