To Kwa Wan Directory
Security System,Workspace & Equipments,Design & Renovation,Office Repair & Installation,and others NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"室內設計,裝修,傢俬訂造,裝修公司,家居裝修,村屋裝修,辦公室裝修,清拆工程,清理傢俬,小型工程,持牌水喉匠"}]}]...Floor Waxing and PolishingOffice Interior Design & RenovationRestaurant Interior Design & Renovation+ 26Sau Mau PingWorkspace & Equipments NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Greetings!"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"I'm Tin Way Lon, a seasoned networking professional with over 12 years of hands-on experience in the industry. If you're seeking a dedicated expert to ...Computer Network InstallationNgau Tau KokDigital Marketing NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"- Dworkasia用心竭力為中小企及企業品牌策劃最專業的搜尋營銷。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"- 運用大數據及AI技術,3個月助你登上Google Page 1!"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"- 累積10年以上的實戰經驗,擁有20個行業的垂直數據,造就超過800個客戶的成功案例!"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"- SEO Services Included: Keyword Research, SEO Audit, Onsite Optimization, Offsite Optimization, Google Anlaytics, Ongoing Reporting, ...Search Engine Optimization SEOGoogle Performance MarketingSearch Engine Marketing SEMRemoteTattoo and Embroidery,Nail Care NEWHired rate0Manicure includes nail removal, trimming, exfoliation, hard glue eyelashes including cleaning around the eyes, removing old eyelashes...Manicure and PedicureEyelash ServicesWong Tai SinWorkspace & Equipments,Design & Renovation NEWHired rate0我地嘅工程由本地鋁窗界擁有 40 年經驗師傅主理 喺行內手工口碑佳👷🏻♂️ 專業處理高難度工程�...Office Interior Design & RenovationRestaurant Interior Design & RenovationShop Renovation+ 6RemoteWeb,App NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我們是香港IT 公司Cyber Universal,專營開發系統, 網店, POS系統, O2O 解決方案, 電子錢包付款及餐飲等等系統。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我們網店平台結合不同既付款,可以即時接收訂單和收費付款,同時我們公司的O2O 解決方案結合線上 onlineshop 及...UI DesignWebsite DesignWebsite Development+ 3Tsim Sha TsuiFacial and Body Treatment NEWHired rate0[{"children":[{"text":"Hello everyone! My name is Patrick Szeto and I have been in the fitness industry for 18 years. During this journey, I have always taken ...Slimming TreatmentsNutritionist ServiceTsuen WanCorporate Training,Proofreading & Translation,Consulting Services NEWHired rate012+ years of professional management consulting and finance/accounting experience. Canadian/HK national fluent in English and Chinese, currently working at Big 4 management consulting as management. ...Resume EditingInterview TrainingTsim Sha TsuiBall Games NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人提供專業羽毛球訓練🙏🏻🏸,初中高階,提供一對一教學🙂,小組教學和陪打,全港多區教學,本人現時為香港城市大學羽毛球代表隊並曾代表元朗區奪得港運會男團亞軍和中銀羽毛球錦標賽初級男單季軍,會長盃高級男子組冠軍,中級混合組冠軍,男子雙打聯賽B Grade冠軍。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人有多年羽毛球教授經驗,因材施教,教學經驗包括德望小學興趣班,九龍塘小學興趣班,元朗徐澤林小學興趣班,啟思中學,私人訓練,小組訓練和會所訓練班等等。本人現時亦是香港城市大學羽毛球代表隊,曾代表城市大學參加全國羽毛球賽,獲獎經驗包括代表元朗區奪得港運會男子團體亞軍,中銀羽毛球錦標賽初級男子單打季軍,初級男子雙打亞軍,雙打聯賽和會長盃多個獎項。羽毛球的訓練包括步法,手法,身體協調性等等,有助各年齡層人士強身健體,有益身心,亦減輕日常生活中受傷的機會。本人亦希望學生於訓練中能有所得着,一展所長。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"歡迎各水平的成人或小朋友來查詢,詳情可致電或whatsapp 690***18。訓練地區和時間可議🙏🏻🙂"}]}]...Badminton LessonAll Hong KongGraphics NEWHired rate0Hello everyone, my name is Jick. Since 2016, I have been using Canva / Photoshop to do graphic design for several previous companies and friends. ...Advertising Sticker ProductionOutdoor Advertising ProductionCover Design+ 8Remote
Service near To Kwa Wan
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