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Gadgets NEWHired rate0📱Mobile phone explosion Mon expert💥丨Boom mon station mobile phone repair service [available to make an appointment to pick up the phone] 💪🏻Strengths: ...Mobile RepairSham Shui PoPet Service NEWHired rate2[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我是一名擁有超過 9 年經驗的獸醫護士和一名寵物保姆。我希望用我的經驗幫助毛茸茸的寶寶過上更快樂、更舒適的生活。�...Pet Sitting and BoardingTuen MunOutsourcing,Facial and Body Treatment,Exercise & Fitness,Nutrition,and others NEWHired rate11 on 1 / / 1 on multi-person self-group coaching sessions Build Muscle• Lose Fat• Shape Make your own fitness plan •Plan a complete training...Personal TrainingCrossfit LessonTRX Suspension Training+ 5Tsuen WanLanguage Lessons NEWHired rate0Looking for Native Korean teacher? Hello, everyone! My name is Taeyoung. I have completed the Korean Language Instructor Level 3 certification course and have several ...Korean Language LessonRemoteExam Preparation,Tutoring NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"(連續3年DSE學生奪5**/5*)中文碩士現職教師,公開試Marker,中大浸大畢業,17年教學及補習經驗,精於DSE拔尖保底、TSA升中訓練"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"畢業於香港中文大學及香港浸會大學,具中文系學士、碩士、教育文憑資歷,公開試成績優異,在AL中文科獲B等(相當於DSE 5**),在CE數學科獲A等(相當於DSE 5**)"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"任職中學教師,入職十年助學生奪星無數,任教中六級學生在DSE全數及格,私人補習學生均獲4等或以上,21-22年度至23-24年度均有5**、5*尖子,拔尖保底俱佳"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"擔任公開試Marker,熟知中文科DSE課程,具大量教學材料、模擬試卷;善於帶領學生操練Past Paper,一同研讀考評報告,讓學生了解評分制度,事半功倍"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"曾任職全職補習及補習社導師,熟知小學課程,擅長小學全科補習,擁有大量中文、數學模擬試卷、練習筆記;對於面試技巧、策略瞭如指掌,可協助訓練升中面試"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"學生就讀:"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"中學:男拔、聖保羅、聖約瑟、瑪利諾修院、曾肇添、嘉諾撒聖家、民生、鄧肇堅、迦密柏雨、王肇枝、田家炳、風采、民生、黃棣珊、長天"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"國際學校/直資:德望、耀中、培僑、顏寶鈴、港大同學會、香島"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"小學:聖約瑟、培正、九龍塘官小、協和"}]}]...Chinese TutoringMath TutoringAcademic Tutoring+ 1RemoteVocal Lessons,Leadership & Mangement NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"如需報名/服務請直接聯絡540***02\n\nDTT現為Beatboxer,擁有超過10年Beatbox的經驗。以及接近8年的教學經驗、現於中小學、機構及社區中心教授Beatbox,亦為香港無伴奏合組合-saliva music擔任編曲。曾參與多個大型比賽並獲得優秀的成績,包括2016 HKBC單人賽亞軍雙人賽冠軍、2017 World Beatbox camp solo battle top 8、2018 廣東showcase battle 亞軍。曾氏亦有出席各大型表演,當中包括2019國際無伴奏音樂盛典及海洋公園「哈囉喂全日祭」無伴奏合唱劇場演員、2020年香港藝術館其一展覽《自在風景》、香港旅遊發展局鼠年晚宴歐洲巡迴演出,其中包括﹕倫敦、巴黎、法國、布魯塞爾、哥本哈根、奧斯陸、斯德哥爾摩、柏林及法蘭克福。"}]}]...Beatboxing LessonTeam Building CourseTai PoOutsourcing NEWHired rate0Hello, I'm Tommy, specializing in Chinese and English input (50 wpm) and processing Ms Word, Excel. I have worked as a clerk for eight years ...Typing & Word ProcessingData EntryTsuen WanPersonal Affairs NEWHired rate0Work as private investigator for over 15 years. A very experienced team to help the client to find out the truth. 服務流程 先收訂...Professional InvestigationRemoteArts & Culture NEWHired rate0From January 2007 to November 2008, he worked as a part-time artist in Tongle Art and Creative Studio: Art Tutor, responsible for teaching the basics ...Painting LessonAll Hong KongPet Service NEWHired rate1🧑🏻🏫Leo Cheung丨 Door to Door Service丨10 Years of Experience Can coexist with 14 cats 🐾 I can help improve dog behavior ...Pet TrainingRemote
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