Tiu Keng Leng Directory
Dancing (3)Hired rate27🏫AI STUDIO HK丨2015丨🏆Rich stage and teaching experience, award-winning tutors🎶Provide professional K-pop dance courses🕺 • 🎥The first dance school in Hong Kong to provide ...K-Pop Dance LessonStreet Dance LessonKwun TongLifestyle Photograhy,Editing,Commercial NEWHired rate1We are a BOX filled with creativity and goods. We are the only BOX you need for a single service or a full marketing campaign ...Commercial PhotoshootProduct PhotographyPhotoshop Editing+ 3RemoteGraphics NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"想知我更多? ","font":"headline3"},{"text":" "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"您好,多謝您選擇我的服務。我有多達8年專業平面及媒體設計,網絡營銷等經驗,曾服務的機構/公司包括:7-11、三聯書店、醫管局、MTR、體檢中心等。","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"bold":true,"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"重點服務範疇包括: ","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"- 平面設計","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"( Logo設計/ 海報設計/ 宣傳單張設計/ 易拉架設計/ 包裝設計/ 展覽設計 / ...Cover DesignBooklet & Brochure DesignGraphic Design+ 6RemoteHousehold Service (4)Hired rate63Bandung Overseas Employment Center was established in 1987 and has now expanded into an excellent and reputable employment service company. It is famous for providing ...Domestic Helper AgencyYuen LongGuitar Courses NEWHired rate0He is now a local independent musician with more than 10 years of playing experience and 7 years of teaching experience. He has served as ...Acoustic Guitar LessonElectric Guitar LessonUkulele LessonTsim Sha TsuiOffice Repair & Installation (5)Hired rate8Decades of experience in air-conditioning and cold rooms are the guarantee of customer confidence, fair price, serious work and dedicated service. Welcome to inquire: 669***82 ...Air Conditioner Installation and RepairElectricity Engineering ServiceRemoteGraphics (8)Hired rate9With fourteen years of design experience, including working in magazines, graphic design companies, brand consultants, etc., he is now a full-time freelance designer. Projects include ...Business Cards DesignBanner & Roll-up Banner DesignFlyers & Posters Design+ 12RemoteExercise & Fitness,Water Sports NEWHired rate0Hello everyone: I provide individual or group fitness and physical training. There are different multi-functional exercises for children to adults, and I will also tailor ...Personal TrainingCrossfit LessonTRX Suspension Training+ 1All Hong KongString Instrument Lessons NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"溫老師考獲英國皇家音樂學院小提琴術科八級及樂理八級,並於香港精英室樂團有約三年表演經驗,現為香港同人管弦樂團成員,現時在數間琴行教小提琴及數間中小學擔任小提琴導師,本人為青協的青年導師,教導小朋友有耐性,對於教導SEN學生有經驗,同時亦有教成人學生,會教導學生小提琴演奏技巧及樂理知識,自小學習小提琴至今十五年,至力教好學生,6年教學經驗"}]}]...Violin LessonRemoteCommercial (2)Hired rate118Welcomes you for individual, family or group portraits which offer an unforgettable session....Commercial PhotoshootHeadshot PhotographyProduct PhotographyTuen Mun
Service near Tiu Keng Leng
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