PRfDkRvxpYc in Tai Wai
Keyboard Lessons (28)Hired rate32Senior teaching experience, excellent teachers, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, deeply loved by parents and students; Received the "Excellent Piano Tutor" award, the ...Pop Piano LessonPiano LessonMei FooKeyboard Lessons,Vocal Lessons,Treatment & Recovery,Guitar Courses (1)Hired rate1✅Freshman Trial 💥Various singing lessons - children and adults Professional Pop Singing Course Classes 👶🏻Musaic Kids Star Little Star Singing Training Class...Keyboard LessonPiano LessonAcoustic Guitar Lesson+ 5Lai Chi KokHousehold Service (203)Hired rate357Nickname: Sister Qiu Age: 53 Experience: 3Laundry ServiceCookingHome Cleaning+ 2RemoteTutoring (16)Hired rate38香港中文大學物理系畢業 10年經驗 專補IB, IGCSE 等Math and science subject...Chemistry TutoringMath TutoringPhysics Tutoring+ 4Tai PoTransport,Other Pets Services (2)Hired rate3Saliva Specimen Pick-up Services淘寶集運Courier Service+ 2All Hong KongSmall Renovation,Design & Renovation (11)Hired rate15[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"➡️"},{"text":"自我介紹","bold":true},{"text":":你好 我是江師傅 從事室內裝修工作20年 做開設計公司油漆工程,手工質素佳,客人做後都很滿意。 有商業登記...Home Renovation翻新工程Whole Home Remodeling+ 1RemoteHome Repair & Installation,Small Renovation,Office Repair & Installation (7)Hired rate8Holds a government-approved electrician A license, more than ten years of electrician experience, and the price is popular. If you need it, please contact 970***19 ...Lighting ServiceElectricity Engineering ServiceTV Wall MountingHung HomWater Sports (4)Hired rate11- Chief Swimming Coach in Hong Kong Island (O-Sea swimming club) - Hong Kong Amateur Swimming Association- Swimming Coach certificate - Hong Kong Early childhood ...Swimming LessonWan ChaiBoxing,Exercise & Fitness NEWHired rate10Ordinary customers do not know how to find a suitable coach. Now you only need to clearly list your requirements, such as: fitness goals, price, ...Personal Training健身教練課程Stretching Lesson+ 5Kennedy TownTreatment & Recovery NEWHired rate2[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Liz是註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師,已修習靜觀13年。Liz擅長結合表達藝術及正念靜觀於心理治療服務中。2022年獲社創基金資助《手牽手。藝童遊》項目,為自閉症及低收入家庭學生提供到校表達藝術治療服務。2020-2022年協助東華學院研究兒童靜觀認知療法於兒童手機成癮的治療成效;2023年加入研究團隊成為共同研究者。服務對象包括:兒童及青少年、親子、焦慮、抑鬱、自閉症、專注力不足或過度活躍症、弱智兒童及成人、照顧者、及老人。"}]}]...Art TherapySan Po Kong
PRfDkRvxpYc near Tai Wai
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