BxDGD_2TOI in Tai Koo
Commercial (1)Hired rate73[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"你好,我是專業攝影師.超過15年攝影經驗.\n我的網站有更多資料.\nhttps://www.terryszephotography.com\n個人網站: https://www.terryszephotography.com\n近年作品多次獲獎:\n今年更贏了國家地理會德豐-攝影獎冠軍,多份報紙均有報到及訪問: \nhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/1cwby72qmqfgbhc/AppleDaily.pdf?dl=0\n另外人像方面亦贏得旅遊發展局的reframing Hong Kong 攝影比賽,作品在製成名信片,在各遊客中心派發。\nhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/4llihhvo62ojp94/Discovery%20HK.jpg?dl=0"}]}]...Commercial PhotoshootProduct PhotographyHeadshot PhotographyRemoteWeb,App,Small Renovation,Design & Renovation,and others (73)Hired rate112[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"專業承接:清拆還原裝修、水電油漆天花工程、傢俬訂造、玻璃門窗訂造等小型工程。\n在經營過程中始終秉承着 “安全、專業、貼心、可靠” 的服務理念,服務眾多中小企和家庭客户,以優質的服務和專業誠信的態度贏...Home RenovationPartial RenovationWhole Home Remodeling+ 7All Hong KongHome Repair & Installation,Workspace & Equipments,Storage & Moving (66)Hired rate112The company is a Hong Kong-registered moving company with a professional team. Hop Hing Moving provides the following services, whether it is home, office, shop ...搬寫字樓RelocationStorage+ 1RemoteExercise & Fitness (35)Hired rate51Fitness is more than physically working out in the gym; it is rather about training your mentality. Tailor-made fitness programme for you by applying anatomy ...Personal TrainingTRX Suspension TrainingStretching LessonCentralSmall Renovation (69)Hired rate81👷🏻♂️ 30 years of professional interior decoration and maintenance 🛠 Window inspection, water and electricity engineering, mud water, paint, wood furniture🛠 My...Demolition or Restoration ServiceFlooring ServiceFurniture Service+ 4Yau Ma TeiStorage & Moving (40)Hired rate76[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"明星搬屋存倉公司,24小時為您服務,搬寫字樓、搬倉、高級搬屋、用心服務、稱心滿意。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"如有需要,歡迎致電:988***28。"}]}]...RelocationOut-of-State MovingRemoteDesign & Renovation (2)Hired rate38Hello, we are [company name], established in [year], our main business/services include [list business]. Our company [list service features], [example: full private follow-up], [example: one-on-one ...Home RenovationPartial RenovationWhole Home RemodelingSham Shui PoDancing (21)Hired rate71⚡Zeekers Danz Production ⚡ Hong Kong's famous professional hip-hop school and dance entertainment production company was founded in 2009, has rich stage experience, is committed...K-Pop Dance LessonStreet Dance LessonJazz Funk Dance Lesson+ 2Tsuen WanPersonal Affairs (31)Hired rate35We professionally investigate various cases and have won numerous awards (Strength Brand Award, Hong Kong Famous Brand, Best Business Partner for SMEs, etc.) The company's ...Professional InvestigationTsim Sha TsuiOffice Repair & Installation (88)Hired rate607水道屋是香港正規注冊持牌公司。 我們的服務范圍:專業冷氣清洗、專業通渠服務、水喉水務工程、油漆、防水...Home Gate Installation and RepairAir Conditioner Installation and RepairDoor Repair, Replacement & Installation+ 3Remote
BxDGD_2TOI near Tai Koo
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