Siu Lek Yuen Directory
Personal Affairs,Outsourcing,Accounting & Taxes,Consulting Services,and others NEWHired rate0My name is Franky Leung. I have a team of more than 100 people. I have more than 9 years of experience in personal and ...Trustee ServiceImmigrationInsurance Broker+ 6Kowloon BayNursing and Care Services NEWHired rate0Registered Nurse. Graduated at The University of Hong Kong (2022). Past experiences: (1) GHK A&E TUNS (2) QMH O&T TUNS (3) CIF COVID19 Center Nursing ...Elderly Home私家看護RemoteWorkspace & Equipments NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本地秘書公司,主要為各中小企提供IT系統、申請香港及深圳創業津貼、並協助客人在深圳開設公司、銀行戶口、租寫字樓,等一條龍服務。"}]}]...Office RentalLai Chi KokTutoring,Language Lessons NEWHired rate0I am a final year HKBU BBA student with concentrations of information technology and marketing. I have much experience in writing papers using English for ...English TutoringHomework Guidance ClassInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) Tutoring+ 3RemoteOther Pets Services,Pet Service,Pet Sitting NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我是康亭,已協助1位客戶解決問題,期間得到客戶的信任。\n\n除了門市服務外,我也提供上門服務,服務範圍包括寵物照顧等。\n\n如對上門寵物照顧有任何問題,歡迎客戶向我查詢,我十分樂意為你解答。"}]}]...Pet HotelPet Sitting and BoardingPet Supplies DeliveryRemoteCar Care,Office Chores NEWHired rate0We have been operating cleaning services for many years, and we will arrive at the designated location as soon as possible (within 48 hours after ...Curtain CleaningAir Conditioning CleaningTile Grout Cleaning+ 1RemoteFortune Teller NEWHired rate0Mr. Ye Hongfeng (formerly known as Ye Darong) is a native of Hong Kong and his hometown is in Pingzhou, Nanhai, Foshan City, Guangdong Province. ...Fortune TellingName ChangingKwun TongWorkspace & Equipments NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"你好,我們是Jetta Go Technology Service,於2021年成立,主要業務/服務包括POS系統安裝、收款工具申請、CCTV安裝等等。\n\n我們公司是主打性價比極高的POS,一個價錢已包括硬件、軟件、安裝和教學,而且包含無限次修改菜單,最快五天完成安裝,絕無隱藏式收費,廣受好評,是你的信心之選。\n\n如有任何問題,歡迎客戶向我們查詢,我們會盡快回應解答。"}]}]...Point-of-Sales SystemAll Hong KongCommercial Event Planning NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"提供活動策劃的服務,例如Audio, Lighting和Video的器材及人手、背板設計及製作、場地佈置、活動表演及司儀安排等等,可以為你解決以上需要和難題,同時提供商業活動製作服務,與多間公司、企業合作,包括香港貿發局和匯豐銀行等等。\n\n歡迎與本人聯絡了解更多。"}]}]...Catering Services for Corporate EventsShopping Mall Event PlanningAudio Equipment Rental for Corporate Events+ 6RemoteTreatment & Recovery NEWHired rate46Hello everyone! My name is Shirley😊 I worked as a kindergarten teacher in the Mainland before I became a confinement caregiver. After living in Hong ...Postnatal CareRemote
Service near Siu Lek Yuen
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