Siu Lek Yuen Directory
Lifestyle Photograhy NEWHired rate2I have many years of experience in event and sports photography, and also provide parent-child, family and personal photography services....Sport PhotographyPortrait PhotographyOutdoor Photography+ 5RemoteVenue Decoration,Performers & Artists,Wedding Performance,Vocal Lessons,and others NEWHired rate0I am after later Vocals - A Jia Guita - A Xian Guitar - Superman Bass-Aso drummer-rex I have participated in both large and small ...Singing PerformanceMusic PerformanceSinging Lesson+ 3Tsing YiBall Games NEWHired rate1I am an experienced coach on different ages team, strengthen at enhancement of players skill. I have many years of experience in teaching elementary, middle ...Volleyball LessonRemoteGadgets NEWHired rate0Hi, I am Michael. I am the tech guy (and the short guy in the photo), looking forward to meet you in person. Our team ...Data RecoveryComputer Repair and SupportMobile Repair+ 2RemoteTutoring NEWHired rate0I am David, a tutoring teacher. I used to work as a primary school Mandarin and Chinese teacher in a tutoring institution. My students include ...Chinese TutoringPrimary School TutoringRemoteDesign & Renovation,Workspace & Equipments,Quality Inspection,Household Service,and others NEWHired rate0Bathroom modification, bricklaying, priming, plastering, tiling, waterproofing, tiling, polished quartz tiles, powder polishing, bricklaying, demolition, kitchen tile replacement, floor tiles, polished quartz tiles, bathtub demolition, ...Home CleaningDeep CleaningMove in Cleaning+ 18RemoteOffice Chores NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"你好,我們"},{"text":"AirTech","bold":true},{"text":"致力為香港各行各業提供高品質的清潔、消毒及滅蟲服務,並成為本地環境衛生服務行業的"},{"text":"領導者","bold":true},{"text":"。我們在香港擁有"},{"text":"超過50名員工","bold":true},{"text":",能為不同的客戶承諾及提供快速與高質的環境衛生服務,滿足客戶的需求,廣受好評,榮獲"},{"text":"「2022年香港新星服務品牌」","bold":true},{"text":",更曾接受多家媒體專訪,專業水平備受肯定。\n\n我們提供多種環境衛生服務:"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"清潔服務","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"消毒服務","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"滅蟲服務","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"一系列環境衛生產品(空氣淨化產品與其他環境衛生科技產品)","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我們擁有"},{"text":"專門的清潔車隊","bold":true},{"text":",方便日常工作,以應付萬變的市場需求。為讓更多客戶能享用我們優質的環境衛生服務,我們會按照您的預算與需求,提供度身定制的環境衛生服務。\n\n我們成立至今已服務超過百間企業,歡迎與我們聯絡了解更多。"}]}]...Retail Shop CleaningWindow CleaningOffice Cleaning+ 6Tsim Sha TsuiSmall Renovation NEWHired rate0I am [NAME], I have [x] years of [service] experience, I have assisted [x] clients with their problems and gained the trust of many clients. ...Demolition or Restoration ServiceRemoteOutsourcing NEWHired rate0我可以用英文,廣東話和普通話溝通, 教導3-12兒童英文。擁有陪月員及催奶師證書,可以照顧嬰兒,凖備產後特色食品,及能幫助新媽媽成功餵哺母乳。 谢谢 。 I am able to communicate in English, Cantonese and PuTongHua (Mandarin). I...Mystery ConsumerTung ChungLanguage Lessons,Tutoring NEWHired rate0Hello, I am a second-year management student at City University. I graduated from Xie En Secondary School, a traditional famous school in Hong Kong, with ...Chinese TutoringEnglish TutoringMath Tutoring+ 3Remote
Service near Siu Lek Yuen
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