Siu Lek Yuen Directory
Small Renovation,Design & Renovation NEWHired rate0I am Lilly, an interior designer, and guests are amazed at the uniqueness of my design, hotel-level quality, and extremely low cost. . Low-cost large-scale ...Home RenovationInterior DesignPartial Renovation+ 2RemoteKids and Toddlers,Outsourcing,Accounting & Taxes,Business Research & Analytics,and others NEWHired rate0I am [name], I have [x] years of [service] experience, I have assisted [x] customers to solve their problems, and I have gained the trust ...Math TutoringAccounting TutoringBAFS Tutoring+ 10RemoteSecurity System,Graphics,Design & Renovation,Workspace & Equipments,and others NEWHired rate0We are a co-working space design company. We have more than 10 years of experience in decoration, furniture production and installation of electronic monitoring systems. ...Child-proofingOffice Interior Design & RenovationShop Renovation+ 19Kwun TongDesign & Renovation NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"公屋 居屋 輕裝修 設計方案 免費度尺報價,傢俬訂造、室內設計、裝修工程,全屋裝修,部份翻新,傢俬訂造...Home RenovationInterior DesignPartial Renovation+ 2RemoteNursing and Care Services,Treatment & Recovery NEWHired rate49[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"大家好,可以叫我Hipo😊。我有過照顧唔同需要嘅BB嘅經驗👶🏻👶🏻,而且都有不斷進修報讀唔同課程,去提升自己嘅陪月技能,例如:陪月滋補飲食知識課程、嬰兒香薰按摩、嬰兒疾病及常用藥物認知、催乳課程等。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":" 喺媽媽住院期間🤰🏻,我會根據媽媽身體需要而烹調,例如炒米茶、湯水、燉品🍲,設計合適媽媽嘅餐...Baby MassageLactation MassagePostpartum Meal Service+ 2RemoteTreatment & Recovery NEWHired rate203[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"大家好 ! 我叫Katharine😊 \n本人從事專業陪月護理工作近七年,已成功為超過多四十個客戶服務,能中英雙語工作,非常精通中西厨藝,亦有研究食療、素食飲食理論等。從事陪月工作最主要因為興趣,非常喜歡嬰幼兒,能看到BB健康成長及媽媽們能恢復到最佳狀態是一件我引以為傲的事。除陪月工作外,閒時亦有接保姆工作,如照顧2個月大BB為期4個月,直至工人姐姐到港,甚至1歲半小朋友。\n\n本人為人熱心善良,做事認真盡責,可妥善處理陪月及產後護理工作,盡心為初生嬰兒及產婦提供優質服務。如欲進一步了解全日八小時制或二十四小時陪月服務資料,或欲了解過往成功案例及作僱主推薦信等,歡迎垂詢。"}]}]...Postnatal CareRemoteTattoo and Embroidery (8)Hired rate17Catherine She, Senior Image Consultant, International Makeup and Hairstyling Instructor, International Professional Training Instructor Catherine She is a professionally certified image consultant and international professional ...Eyelash ServicesTsim Sha TsuiLanguage Lessons NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}],"text":"韓語課程師資由Ms Rakjeong帶領之團隊負責,所有導師均於大學修讀韓語專業/韓國留學(梨花女子大學、慶熙大學、建國大學等)並達到topik 6級水準。"}]},{"type":"paragraph"},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"},{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}],"text":"Ms. Rakjeong 畢業於韓國建國大學,國語國文學系,擁有8年以上教授韓語經驗。帶領學生於韓語能力試TOPIK1 & 2取得優異成績。"}]},{"type":"paragraph"},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}],"text":"Konkuk University Graduate School"},{"type":"hardBreak","marks":[{"type":"bold"}]},{"type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}],"text":"2017年-2019年 M.A. in Korean Language & Literature...Korean Language LessonAll Hong KongExercise & Fitness NEWHired rate0I am [Job] [Name] with [x] years of experience in [Profession/Service] serving over [x] clients with great acclaim. My services include: [list services]. Professional qualifications: ...Personal Training健身教練課程RemoteAccounting & Taxes NEWHired rate0An experienced (13 years) all-rounder in accounting field who has only experience on preparing financial statement, forecast and budget, cashflow reports and cost analysis....BookkeepingCompany Tax PreparationAuditRemote
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