Math Tutoring in Sheung Wan
Tutoring NEWHired rate0Chinese University School of Medicine students have many years of tutoring experience and understand the needs of students...Combined Science TutoringAcademic TutoringLiberal Studies Tutoring+ 7RemoteExam Preparation,Tutoring NEWHired rate0Studied at Bishop's College and obtained M2 (5**) in the school examination Physics(5). Currently self-studying International Advanced Level Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, and received conditional ...Academic TutoringMath TutoringPrimary School Tutoring+ 7RemoteTutoring NEWHired rate0I am a native English and Cantonese speaker. I mainly tutor in English. As for qualification, beside from my bachelor degree from HKBU, I have ...English TutoringMath TutoringHistory Tutoring+ 3RemoteOutsourcing,Design & Customization,Graphics,Tutoring,and others NEWHired rate0Chinese TutoringMath TutoringEnglish Tutoring+ 14To Kwa WanTutoring NEWHired rate0I am this year’s DSE graduate and would like to find some summer jobs. I have great passion in learning and teaching....Academic TutoringPrimary School TutoringMath Tutoring+ 3RemoteTutoring NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"你好,我是Maggie,就讀於香港大學,修讀理學士(測量學),畢業於中華傳道會安柱中學,主修中國文學,擁有2年的教學經驗,亦有教授朗誦的經驗。在2022年亦任小型補習社導師,教授中文及英文科目。富耐性和經驗,態度認真負責,熟悉香港中小學及國際學校課程內容。在2021年香港中學文憑考試中文科目取得5*(閱讀5*/綜合5**)的佳績。校內作文更多次被評選爲佳作。而中國文學、數學、通識亦取得5級的成績。\n\n \n\n在中文及數學科目方面,本人擅長替學生補底或拔尖及精益求精,會針對各卷做法及技巧,準備額外補充練習及提供自製筆記。\n\n \n教導的學生分別來至地區學校、傳統名校及國際學校,能因應學生程度選擇合適教材,為學生打好根基;針對學生於課堂上不明白的地方,用簡單的方法教導,使他們能夠更容易理解。大部份學生在補習後也有明顯成績的提升。\n\n提供whatsapp問功課服務。\n\n "}]}]...Academic TutoringChinese TutoringEnglish Tutoring+ 4RemoteTutoring NEWHired rate0Hi! I have two years of tutoring experience. I have tutored primary one to secondary one students. I know how to take care of students ...Chinese TutoringEnglish TutoringMath TutoringRemoteTutoring,Language Lessons NEWHired rate0It has been nearly 8 years since I took Chinese and Putonghua tutoring, and I scored A-level in the Putonghua exam. Like to get along ...Chinese TutoringMandarin Language Lesson for KidsMandarin Language Lesson for Adults+ 15Hung HomTutoring NEWHired rate0Providing tuition class for IB, GCE AL, DSE students in science-related subjects including Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Maths. 6-year experience in teaching, expert in IB...Integrated Science TutoringMath TutoringPhysics Tutoring+ 7Shek Tong TsuiExam Preparation,Tutoring,Facial and Body Treatment,Language Lessons NEWHired rate0Passionate and skilful in Makeup.IGCSE TutoringKorean Language LessonEnglish Language Lesson for Kids+ 16Mei Foo
User Review
according to 472 reviews
- Tempest TairitsuSeptember 2, 2024
The teacher is professional and gives very insightful opinions, showing clear improvement
- 鄧振昇July 20, 2024Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
Okay, Master Yan.
- Ho Shing HinJuly 18, 2024Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
Professional and serious
- B WongJuly 17, 2024
Very good & experienced teacher
- 早怡July 16, 2024Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
I greatly admire Mr. Liao's profound calligraphy skills and his ability to meet the unique needs of each student, making complex concepts accessible and greatly improving my skills and confidence. His enthusiasm for calligraphy is contagious and thank you for creating such a positive learning environment.
- KateSeptember 16, 2022
Miss Chong is a patient teacher. My son loves her lessons!
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