Furniture Moving in Sheung Shui
Dancing,Fitness,Yoga,Fitness Training (2)Hired rate4[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Soul Yoga主要提供:🌟痛症舒緩瑜伽 🌟空中瑜伽 🌟運動按摩 🌟健身課程 🌟一對一課程等等 \n我們的首席導師 林曉芬Fion Lam ,有4年在痛症診所教導痛症伸展及運動的經驗。亦受邀在不同報章合撰「健康及運動」的文章。\nSoul Yoga課程👉🏻沒有合約限制 👉...Aerial Silk Dance LessonPersonal TrainingCrossFit Classes+ 6All Hong KongPet Sitting (14)Hired rate20A professional slave provides care services for the parents of fur babies. Fan workers are too busy to let the dogs and cats feed... I ...Pet BoardingTsuen WanRepairs & Maintenance,Engineering & Remodel (8)Hired rate14[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"超過15年專科防水漏水工程\n有屋宇署滲漏課程證書/ 合資格T1證書\n所有類型的修補新造防漏經驗豐富\n小型家居維修經驗豐富\n本公司最著緊係與客人溝通\n雙方溝通得好工程就會完美\n合理的基本保養及保養時間\n期望能為您服務\n提供價錢合理又有質素的工程"}]}]...Water Leak DetectionWaterproofing Services天花工程+ 2San Po KongMusic,Running Errands,Design & Customization,Volunteer Service NEWHired rate33792019 prices T-shirts: starting at 30 pieces, each price is 75 yuan, one single color printing on the front and the back, and 4-5 yuan ...Time Auction Volunteer RecruitmentClarinet LessonsFlute Lessons+ 4RemoteOutsourcing,Commercial Event Planning,Corporate Services,Marketing,and others NEWHired rate3379Company secretary accounting review market planning mainland entrepreneurship Welcome inquiry...Secretarial ServicesData EntryCompany Registration+ 12San Po KongOther Lessons NEWHired rate83I have studied feng shui for more than 20 years. I have a master's degree in Hong Kong. I can speak Chinese, Cantonese, and English. ...Fo TanInstallation NEWHired rate102For many years, small projects have been committed to providing customers with cost-effective services, expecting to expand their business by word of mouth...Air Conditioner Installation and RepairRemoteWater Sports (9)Hired rate27[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✨✨星級教練✨✨\n🔥具有美國及香港游泳教練二級證書、國際認可SEN運動教練證書及香港泳總註冊教練資格(Senior professional full-time swimming instructor with the second-level certificate of ASCA & HKASA)& Certificate of Special Educational Needs sports coaching \n🔥資深專業全職游泳教練"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🔥獲香港賽馬會超級教練計劃銀獎"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🔥2023年獲得優秀SEN教練獎\n🔥現擔任HKSAM\n特殊人士游泳港隊教練\n🔥曾2️⃣次擔任港隊教練團代表之一\n🔥曾任多間小學校隊教練及多年泳會青訓工作。\n🔥2️⃣0️⃣年游泳教授經驗\n🔥3️⃣語教學 - 以粵、普及英...Swimming LessonsRemoteQuality Inspection (4)Hired rate12Shun On Real Estate adheres to the business philosophy of "Don't forget the original heart", and provides professional building inspection services 🔎systematic process and ...Building Inspection ServicesRemoteGadgets (71)Hired rate223Hi! We are a Computer Life on-site computer repair center, which was formed in 2004 by a group of professionals who love computers. Most of ...Tablet RepairComputer RepairLaptop Repair+ 1Sham Shui Po
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