Furniture Moving in Shatin Town Centre
Quality Inspection,Repairs & Maintenance,Engineering & Remodel NEWHired rate0Solve the problem of water leakage, find the source, determine the direction of maintenance, hold a license approved by the Buildings Department, use a variety ...Water Leak DetectionWaterproofing ServicesRemoteFitness Training NEWHired rate0👋Hey I'm Esther 🧘🏻♀️I have practiced yoga for many years, mainly teaching ground yoga 📄Yoga alliance 200hours teaching training �...Yoga ClassesAll Hong KongArts & Culture NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Hello!我是 Yan,喜歡與小朋友相處,熱愛繪畫。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我持有少兒視藝導師證書,曾於不同畫室教授小朋友繪畫,並獲得繪畫比賽獎項。現時開設私人小班教學,如有需要亦可以進行上門服務,希望透過輕鬆愉快的學習方式,讓學生愛上繪畫,同時掌握更多繪畫技巧!"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🎨 私人"},{"text":"兒童繪畫&幼兒啟蒙班","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"首堂半價體驗","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🌟 "},{"text":"2.5-7 歲的孩子,零基礎也能輕鬆起步!","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"靈活彈性,無堂數限制,幫助孩子發掘藝術潛能。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"課程亮點:","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"小班制","bold":true},{"text":"(每班 3-5 人)確保關注每個小朋友"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"多樣媒介體驗","bold":true},{"text":" 油粉彩、水彩、輕...Drawing & Painting ClassesTsim Sha TsuiOutsourcing NEWHired rate1I have a master's degree and have more than 10 years of work experience. I am very proficient in various office paperwork. The input speed ...Data EntryRemoteRenovation,Domestic Helper Services,Installation,Repairs & Maintenance,and others NEWHired rate1Have electrician A license😊 Hello, we are [company name], established in [year], our main business/services include [list business]. Our company [list service features], [example: full ...Air Conditioner Installation and RepairFull Home RenovationLighting Installation+ 2RemoteSports NEWHired rate0Hi! May I ask if you are interested in learning badminton? 💰The charge is 350 per hour, the venue fee is not included, and ...Badminton LessonsYuen LongPsychology & Relaxation,Health & Nutrition NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我是Polly,本人提供上門紮肚收身服務,擁有3年幾紮肚經驗,巳協助多個客户收身,期間得到很多客户的信任。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"如對紮肚有任何問題,歡迎客戶向我查詢, 我十分 樂耀為你解答"}]}]...Belly BindSlimming TreatmentsRemotePostnatal Care NEWHired rate2[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Liz是註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師,已修習靜觀13年。Liz擅長結合表達藝術及正念靜觀於心理治療服務中。2022年獲社創基金資助《手牽手。藝童遊》項目,為自閉症及低收入家庭學生提供到校表達藝術治療服務。2020-2022年協助東華學院研究兒童靜觀認知療法於兒童手機成癮的治療成效;2023年加入研究團隊成為共同研究者。服務對象包括:兒童及青少年、親子、焦慮、抑鬱、自閉症、專注力不足或過度活躍症、弱智兒童及成人、照顧者、及老人。"}]}]...Art TherapySan Po KongPsychology & Relaxation NEWHired rate0MAMA JAMU's new store opens. Belly bandaging treatment is divided into 10 days / 15 days. The course of treatment is 5 days in a ...Belly BindRemoteFitness Training NEWHired rate0🧘🏻♀️YOGraniA丨Since 2017🤸🏻♀️ With 4 years of yoga teaching experience, interesting, lively and professional classroom teaching enables students to progress and learn with...Yoga ClassesLai Chi Kok
Furniture Moving near Shatin Town Centre
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