Furniture Moving in Sham Tseng
Renovation (2)Hired rate38Hello, we are [company name], established in [year], our main business/services include [list business]. Our company [list service features], [example: full private follow-up], [example: one-on-one ...Home RenovationPartial RenovationFull Home RenovationSham Shui PoLanguages,Proofreading & Translation (26)Hired rate43[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"讓你秒變韓語通🇰🇷30堂從零基礎到日常交流"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"具有超過9年韓文私人一對一,網上及大班教學經驗,明白不同學生既需要及難處。曾多次在展覽會中擔任翻譯。本人在韓國國際學校畢業并修畢語學堂6級課程並考獲TOPIK 6級(最高級)。在韓國留學中曾拿過全級最高分,及獎學金。"}]}]...Korean CoursesYuen LongDancing (21)Hired rate71⚡Zeekers Danz Production ⚡ Hong Kong's famous professional hip-hop school and dance entertainment production company was founded in 2009, has rich stage experience, is committed...K-Pop Dance ClassesHip-Hop Dance ClassesTsuen WanFitness Training (139)Hired rate143[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"私人健身教練Jimmy \n擁有超過十年教學以上經驗,曾經參加過不同大型健美比賽分別係\n2009年HKCBBA 65kg 以下季軍\n2010年HKFBF 65kg 以下 季軍\n2013年 HKFBF 古典健美170cm以下冠軍\n希望透過本人多年健身教學經驗同岀賽經驗,教導每位學員如何訓練增肌 減肥 減脂 ,我會因應學員身體不同需要去提...Personal TrainingMong KokInstallation (15)Hired rate3378Hello! My name is Jian, I am so happy to serve you. The company has been established for 3 years and has established different professional ...Wood Flooring ServicesDoor InstallationFurniture Works+ 1RemoteDomestic Helper Services,Deep Cleaning,Transfer Quotations,Installation,and others (52)Hired rate183[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我是李生,擁有6年的維修經驗,已協助多個客戶解決問題,期間得到很多客戶的信任。\n\n除了門市服務外,我也提供上門服務。\n\n如有任何問題,歡迎客戶向我查詢,我十分樂意為你解答。"}]}]...Air Conditioner Installation and RepairAir Conditioning CleaningDoor Installation+ 6RemoteTraining (58)Hired rate89The disobedient and naughty baby dog at home is actually a lot of times because the parents do not understand the dog's thoughts, and use ...Basic Obedience TrainingBehavioral CorrectionCat TrainingAll Hong KongDomestic Helper Services,Transfer Quotations,Installation,Repairs & Maintenance,and others (52)Hired rate59專業服務 價錢合理 操流利廣東話 普通話 Speaking fluent engishAir Conditioner Installation and RepairWood Flooring ServicesElectrical Works+ 9Sai Ying PunInstallation,Engineering & Remodel,Renovation,Workspace & Equipments (74)Hired rate146🪑 Promise that you don’t need to move any furniture🏆 Good reputation and good quality ✅ Undertake various decoration projects of various sizes Professional qualification...Home RenovationPartial RenovationFull Home Renovation+ 12Yuen LongQuality Inspection,Repairs & Maintenance,Installation (29)Hired rate55We are certified window inspection and maintenance personnel by the Buildings Department. After completion, we can submit window inspection and maintenance completion documents to the ...Window InstallationWindow Inspection ServicesRemote
Furniture Moving near Sham Tseng
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