BxDGD_2TOI in Sham Tseng
Percussion Lessons NEWHired rate0Full-time musician, musician, pop drum instructor. The spokesperson of the Turkish cymbal brand Anatolian Cymbals in Hong Kong studied under Xu Shixing, a famous drum ...Drum LessonJazz Drum LessonDiamond HillKids and Toddlers,Water Sports NEWHired rate0KK Swimming Founded in 2008, the club has more than ten years of teaching experience as a professional swimming coach. Our coaches hold a swimming ...Kids ClassesSwimming LessonAll Hong KongBall Games NEWHired rate1•本地註冊球員 •本地註冊一級排球教練 •體式能教練 教學經驗:3年 中小學校隊 •Po On Commercial Association Wan...Volleyball LessonRemoteLifestyle Photograhy (13)Hired rate27My photographic work consists of portraiture, editorial, events, conceptual and still life images. www.vchangphotography.com www.catch-a-studio.com I have always been impressed by painters and designers, therefore ...Landscape PhotographyOutdoor PhotographyPet Photography+ 8Hung HomKeyboard Lessons NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Miss Christy 為全職音樂導師,畢業於美國紐約大學(New York University)藝術文學碩士,及伯克萊音樂學院(Berklee College of Music) 學士,留美五年,及後回港修畢鋼琴教...Accordion LessonKeyboard LessonPiano LessonKennedy TownArts & Culture,Design & Customization NEWHired rate1[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Hi!我是劉老師,曾就讀於美國康奈爾大學,在美國生活6年後搬到香港,自幼跟隨多位名師學習書法,香港自由的土壤讓我重新激起了對藝術的熱情與追求,我願意將我對中國傳統書法的理解認識,以及對傳統的書寫技法傳播給更多感興趣的人,歡迎來找我學習交流呀!從對書法完全不懂的,到有些許基礎的小孩與成人,都可以教授,相信我超過十年的學書基礎一定會給到你幫助!讓我們一起進步成長!\n\nHi, I'm Pei. I studied at Cornell University in the United States. After living in the US for 6 years, I moved to Hong Kong. ...Chinese Calligraphy LessonCustomised Lucky ScrollTseung Kwan OHousehold Service (31)Hired rate315Smart Home Service Co., Ltd. (Smart Home) was established in 2007, using our wisdom to provide customers with high-quality and comfortable home services. Over the ...Home AssistanceHome CleaningRemoteWedding Performance,Performers & Artists,On Wedding Day,Event Planning NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人於公司有10次活動主持及1次婚宴主持經驗,對上台當司儀駕輕就熟,從不怯場。主要以粵語為主‧"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人擅長突發危機處理,策劃及撰寫講稿。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"image","url":"https://staticfiles2.hellotoby.com/gallery/2024/01/2079170730.png","children":[{"text":""}],"loading":false},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]}]...Event MCRemoteBall Games NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我係網球教練Alan。擁有十多年網球教學經驗,擁有20年網球教學經驗 持有USPTA 國際牌照。歡迎初學者或對網球有興趣之人士報名。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"每堂為1小時。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"租場手續 及場租另計 "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"上課時間彈性,早午晚時段皆可,可再商議。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"無論你是剛起步的初學者還是有一定比賽經驗的選手,可以根據你的需求和目標提供量身定制的培訓計劃。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"可根據你的時間表和地點的要求,提供靈活的培訓安排。無論你希望在學校、會所還是私人場地進行訓練,本人具有多年教學, 學生經驗由初學者到比賽...Tennis LessonRemoteStorage & Moving NEWHired rate0Our company is a newly established company, but everyone definitely has relevant professional experience and the price is cheaper than other companies. This company can ...RelocationKwun Tong
BxDGD_2TOI near Sham Tseng
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