3zRSO2oHS2w in Sham Shui Po

Directory > Sham Shui Po > 3zRSO2oHS2w > 1000 matched Pro
  • YOLO Photography by IsaBella Sze
    Lifestyle Photograhy,Editing,Wedding Photography & Videography,Commercial,and others
    Hired rate16
    [{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"https://isabellasze.wixsite.com/yolophotographylife"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✨YOLO Photography✨\nKarl Lagerfeld once said, “What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that's gone forever, impossible to reproduce.” Here at YOLO...
    Wedding Registry Photography
    Photoshop Editing
    Baby Photography
    + 6
    Hair & Makeup,On Wedding Day,Makeup & Hairstyling,Other Lessons,and others
    Hired rate14
    [{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"font":"body1","text":"BOBOLIU MAKEUP "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"font":"body1","text":" 專業新娘化妝及髮型服務"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"font":"body1","text":" BOBOLIU 從事行業十多,深受顧客的信任和支持。以自然甜美、簡潔優雅、...
    Makeup Lesson
    Wedding Hair and Makeup
    + 5
    Tsim Sha Tsui
  • hin | 羽毛球訓練班
    Ball Games
    Hired rate14
    🙋🏻‍♂️ Glad you are interested in badminton private training class. I'm Sir Lin and I'm a badminton coach. I currently offer one-on-one ...
    Badminton Lesson
    Hung Hom
  • Kirk Academy | 嚴Sir
    Ball Games,Boxing
    Hired rate21
    [{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🏀Hello,我是嚴Sir,\n有超過七年教授籃球的經驗,曾教授大專院隊、U team之成員。\n👋🏼現正招生\n地點:港九新界\n年齡:初小至成人均可\n學費:$1,800/8課(每課1.5小時)\n*所有訓練均為度身訂造,符合學生需要。\n*訓練內容循序漸進,由淺入深。\n*內容包括所有籃球必要元素:\n觀念、防守;運、控、傳、投、切、上籃、小組配合、團體配合等。\n*訓練班各節七人開班,最多收生十二人。\n*歡迎私人包班,包班時間、地點可另議。\n────────────────────────────────────\n⛹🏼‍♂️⛹🏼‍♀️另設度身訂造1對1或小組\n基礎至深造訓練課程\n*因應需求、程度而設;每課1小時15分鐘至2小時(視乎需要 因人而異)\n*時間、地點另議\n🌟‼️單對單試堂優惠$400‼️🌟\n────────────────────────────────────\n本人擅長領域為\n🏀籃球個人技巧訓練:13年一對一及小班教學經驗;"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人持有之專業資格為"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":" - USA Basketball Gold Coach"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":" - NCSF Certified Strength Coach"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":" - Hong Kong St. John Ambulance First-aider"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":" - NCSF Personal...
    Basketball Lesson
    Thai Boxing Lesson
    Tsim Sha Tsui
    • 1對1技術訓練
1to1 skills training
    • 1對1技術訓練 (2)
1to1 skills training (2)
    • 小組訓練
Group training
  • 梁先生 Mr. Leung
    Overseas Studies,Exam Preparation,Tutoring,Running Errands,and others
    Hired rate37
    [{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🌟 大家好,我是Jack,一名擁有17年經驗的兼職私人補習老師!專注於科學(物理、化學、生物)和數學(數學、額外數學)等領域 📚\n\n我精通IB、IGCSE、GCSE和DSE課程,並持有多項專業證書:\n- 📜 2021年,香港大學碩士(M. Phil)\n- 🎓 2015年,卡迪夫大學成像科學學士(BSc)\n- 🥼 2012年,香港大學醫學科學碩士(M. Med. Sc)\n- 🌱 2008年,香港科技大學生物學學士(BSc),輔修通識教育\n- 🌍 雅思成績:7.0\n\n我曾擔任大學講師,並擁有豐富的教學經驗。我的學生評價我反應迅速、目標明確,並在工作效率、服務效果與態度方面均獲得5顆星評價 ...
    Academic Tutoring
    Calculus Tutoring
    Chinese Tutoring
    + 22
  • Liz
    Hair & Makeup
    Hired rate1
    [{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"你好,LIX Makeup 提供各類化妝服務\n\n新娘化妝·姊妹化妝·宴會化妝·上門化妝·孕婦化妝·註冊化妝·化妝服務·攝影化妝·謝師宴化妝·家庭照化妝·身份證化妝"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"\n如對LIX Makeup有任何疑問,歡迎客戶向我們查詢,我們會盡快回應解答,你也可以在Toby 網頁查看客人對我們的好評。"}]}]...
    Performance Hair and Makeup
    Event Kids' Makeup
    Event Hair and Makeup
    + 2
    Kwun Tong
  • 蔡師傅
    Home Repair & Installation
    Hired rate81
    I have been in the industry for 30 years, specializing in interior decoration and maintenance, including window inspection, plumbing and electrical engineering, grouting, painting, and ...
    Shower Head Replacement
    Home Plumbing
    Bathtub Replacement
    Yau Ma Tei
  • Freeman
    Exam Preparation,Proofreading & Translation,Treatment & Recovery,Overseas Studies,and others
    Hired rate4
    I am a graduate of the Music Department of the University of Cambridge in the UK, and I have passed the ATCL performance level with ...
    A-Level Tutoring
    GCE Tutoring
    GCSE Tutoring
    + 15
  • Sena Ko 工藝師
    Hired rate9
    Hello,我叫 Sena,是一名工藝師。 ✨希望成為全職工藝師 ✨正在學習冶煉 ✨懂木工,皮藝 ✨跟機構和社區中心合作 ✨曾開辦皮藝課程 ...
    Leather Workshop
    Tsuen Wan
  • 實笙防水工程裝飾設計公司
    Deep Cleaning,Small Renovation,Office Chores
    Hired rate8
    8 years of experience in waterproofing, painting, muddy water, concrete spalling repair works, clients include churches, large property management companies, detached houses...etc. Rich experience, won ...
    Outdoor Improvement
    Paint Job
    + 5