Furniture Moving in Sha Tin
Sports (6)Hired rate15Full-time tennis coach, holds the HKTA License Coach of the Hong Kong Tennis Federation and the USPTA Professional Coach of the United States Tennis Coach. ...Tennis LessonsSau Mau PingFitness Training (10)Hired rate13不支持不良銷售/長期合約,不講廢話,專門做修身,一定比到絕佳效果,經驗老到,良心教學 No force sales, No long term contract,No crap talk, i am specialized in shaping toning, very obvious result guaranteed, highly experienced,...Personal TrainingTuen MunTutoring (40)Hired rate88[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"你好,多謝你參考我們的服務。本人提供中小學英文及成人英文,不限地點,經驗豐富。\n\n本人為「思源教育」創辦人及首席英文科名師,於香港大學一級榮譽畢業,大學期間共獲11份獎學金,並曾赴英國愛丁堡大學留學。本人有7年補習經驗,歷年來學生遍及不同程度學校,包括各大名校以至國際學校,能按學生實際程度及需要調整課程。\n\n本人自備獨家精讀筆記,教授獨門技巧及口訣,教你高效溫生字、句型及考試技巧,派發大量詞彙及句型筆記,助你極速升grade摘星!另外還包括免費WhatsApp問功課、免費Speaking工作坊、模擬寫作訓練、免費親自批改作文、派發Ideas Bank 金點子、 爆point攻略、定期小測驗、個別跟進學生進度、派發新聞重點等等,全方位支援學生!\n\n本人學生遍及各大名校,包括鄧肇堅、男拔、協恩、真光、華仁、聖士提反書院、聖心、聖士提反女子中學等等,學生補林Sir後,成績皆有顯著進步!\n\n價錢:新生報讀本人「學博教育」英文課程可享免費試堂優惠!(私人或小組補習另議)\n\n如有興趣,歡迎致電648***90 或 WhatsApp 查詢***90&text=Hello"}]}]...General Tutoring (Primary School)English TutoringLiberal Studies Tutoring+ 1RemoteWorkspace & Equipments,Deep Cleaning,Moving Services,Repairs & Maintenance,and others (6)Hired rate8My name is Brother Rong. I have 17 years of experience in moving houses. I have a special tailgate truck for moving houses. Move house, ...Furniture Disposal ServicesRelocation辦公室搬遷+ 4RemoteFitness Training NEWHired rate0My name is Brian. I have many years of fitness experience and teaching experience for many students. I have helped many students achieve their fitness ...Personal TrainingRemoteTransfer Quotations,Workspace & Equipments,Quality Inspection,Domestic Helper Services,and others (9)Hired rate14❗️Services Provided❗️ 💦Professional Repair Washing Machine❄️Refrigerator 🧊Air Conditioner 🔥Kitchen Stove 🚰Plumbing & Water ⚡️Electrical Engineering 💧Dehumidifier 💡Light ...Air Conditioner Installation and RepairAir Conditioning CleaningLighting Installation+ 8RemoteWedding Photos & Videos,Wedding Photography & Videography (3)Hired rate8Make it unique In this world, everyone is unique. Maybe it's experience, maybe it's love, or maybe it's the little bits and pieces in life ...Pre-Wedding PhotographyWedding & Banquet PhotographyWedding PhotographyTsuen WanFitness Training NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"增肌減脂改善體態"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"為你度身訂造合適訓練計劃"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"提供飲食建議"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"達到你的理想目標"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"可以安排試堂!!"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"提供訓練場地!!"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"AASFP高級私人教練"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"中國香港健美總會 徒手私人教練"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]}]...Personal Training健身教練課程RemoteArts & Culture (1)Hired rate9🎖More than ten years of calligraphy teaching experience 🎖Since 1988, he has studied with the famous calligrapher Mr. Qian Kaiwen* 🎖 Obtained Diploma...Calligraphy ClassesSan Po KongChinese Instruments Lessons (1)Hired rate5Mr. Guo Music Qualifications Started to learn piano at the age of 3 and has more than 10 years of teaching experience. Graduated from the ...Guzheng LessonsTsing Yi
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