&page=99 in Sha Tau Kok
Quality Inspection,Deep Cleaning,Small Renovation,Office Chores,and others (22)Hired rate52For painting and cleaning works, please feel free to contact me at 650***28...Paint Job清垃圾公司Waste Management and Handling Services ...+ 4RemoteApp,Web,Consulting Services (5)Hired rate9[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"At Visible One, we specialize in creating sleek, professional, and effective websites that are tailor-made to showcase your unique brand. "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Our team of experts in ...UI DesignWebsite DesignWebsite Development+ 3RemoteGraphics,Workspace & Equipments,Design & Renovation (1)Hired rate1[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"現職 室內設計師\n\n專業 產品/室內/展覽設計 及 項目安排\n\n業餘 平面/Logo/設計 品牌形象策劃\n\n多次舉辦活動,場地安排經驗。 \n\n聯絡電話+852 980***05"}]}]...Office Interior Design & RenovationRestaurant Interior Design & RenovationShop Renovation+ 6Tseung Kwan OMartial Arts,Boxing (1)Hired rate1[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🇭🇰 Hong Kong Team of Taekwon-Do 跆拳道香港代表隊 "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🥋Black Belt 3 Dan 國際認可黑帶三段 "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🧑🏻🏫Coach of kick boxing and Muay ...Taekwondo LessonKickboxing LessonThai Boxing LessonYuen LongQuality Inspection (1)Hired rate4[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人為注冊測量師(建築測量)及注冊檢驗人員,擁有8年檢驗經驗,包括政府物業,私人住宅及商業大廈。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我的服務範圍主要為 為受到屋宇處命令樓宇/單位 進行訂明檢查並提交檢查報告。\n"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"專業資格:\nMHKIS, RPS(BS), RI(S)"}]}]...強制驗樓All Hong KongMassage & Acupressure (1)Hired rate259On-site massage: Pushing, holding, pressing and other manipulations stimulate meridian points and promote blood circulation. Daily health care, dredging meridians, activating qi and activating blood, ...Foot MassageMassage and AcupressureRemoteQuality Inspection (1)Hired rate2Fifteen years of professional experience in aluminum windows, genuine products at reasonable prices, satisfaction guaranteed....Window InspectionRemoteLifestyle Photograhy,Lifestyle Service,Audio Visual Lessons,Commercial (1)Hired rate3[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人有拍攝活動,開幕禮,酒會,晚宴,百日宴,結婚,運動比賽,舞蹈比賽,寵物攝影,航拍等拍攝經驗。\n\n大部份活動會用兩部相機拍攝,減低錯過特別時刻機會。"}]}]...Photography LessonAerial PhotographyArt Photography+ 13RemoteBall Games (1)Hired rate10Flying badminton club The association was established in 2001 and has more than ten years of experience in running badminton training classes. It has grown ...Badminton LessonMong KokBoxing,Exercise & Fitness (1)Hired rate1Male coach, mainly teaches Muay Thai, boxing, equipment fitness, functional fitness, HIIT and other physical training. He has many years of experience in sports teaching. ...Crossfit LessonTRX Suspension TrainingPersonal Training+ 4Remote
&page=99 near Sha Tau Kok
Primary School Tutoring in Tiu Keng Leng Primary School Tutoring in Tai Wo Hau Primary School Tutoring in Tsuen Wan Primary School Tutoring in Tin Shui Wai Primary School Tutoring in Yuen Long Primary School Tutoring in Tseung Kwan O Primary School Tutoring in Sham Tseng Primary School Tutoring in Kowloon Tong Primary School Tutoring in Yuen Long Town Centre Primary School Tutoring in Siu Lek Yuen Primary School Tutoring in Lau Fau Shan Primary School Tutoring in Sai Kung
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