Sau Mau Ping Directory
Gadgets NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人擁有20年的IT SUPPORT服務經驗,專門已協助100人以下中小型公司或家庭解決各種電腦或網路問題,多年得到很多客戶的信任。\n\n除了門市服務外(荃灣區, 需預約),也提供上門服務,服務範圍包括:"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"電腦維修/檢查/保養"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"( 電腦 Desktop PC, 手提電腦 Notebook Laptop, 品牌電腦, 砌機. 電競電腦 Gaming PC) "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"掃毒殺毒, 軟件安裝...Computer Repair and SupportData RecoveryHeadphone repair+ 1Tsuen WanGuitar Courses NEWHired rate1Does Mi want to learn guitar? I was admitted to rockschool level 8. I have won awards in many competitions and participated in the finals ...Acoustic Guitar LessonElectric Guitar LessonUkulele LessonDiamond HillEquipment & Supplies Rental,Audio Visual Lessons,Venue Rental,Wind Instrument Lessons,and others NEWHired rate1Zeng Ruixi graduated from the Music Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in composition (AMusTCL) and piano (ATCL). He is currently a ...Keyboard LessonPiano LessonA Cappella Lesson+ 13Diamond HillOutsourcing,Web,App,Arts & Culture,and others NEWHired rate0My name is Pansy. In addition to store services, I also provide remote services, including coding, ink painting, calligraphy, data entry, etc. If you have ...Data EntryCopyediting & ProofreadingTranscription Service+ 10All KowloonWater Sports NEWHired rate0Coach: Wan Sir (male coach, 25 years old) ✨We can provide previous student swimming videos and teaching clips✨Welcome to inquire about any qualifications related to...Swimming LessonRemoteStorage & Moving NEWHired rate0All about Moving & Transportation My name is Fai, with 10 years of experience, I have assisted many customers to solve problems, and have gained ...Furniture DisposalStorageOn-site Electronic Waste Collection+ 7AberdeenElective Subjects Tutoring,Tutoring NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人現為大學四年級,畢業於德望學校,為2020年DSE考生。現就讀香港大學環球工程與商業課程,修讀工土木工程及金融雙學位課程。中學修讀會計、物理、化學以及數學延伸(M2)。在校內成績優異,曾考獲數學成績優異獎("},{"text":"中學數學成績一直維持在全級前十五名","bold":true},{"text":"),並在"},{"text":"DSE數學及會計科考獲5*成績","bold":true},{"text":"。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人熟悉考試模式及答題技巧,"},{"text":"專補中學數學及Science","bold":true},{"text":"。亦在國家語委普通話水平測試中考獲乙級二水平,可用普通話教學。曾爲多名學生補底拔尖,"},{"text":"有補中一至中四名校學生的經驗(如:德望中學、伊利沙伯中學、協恩中學、瑪利諾修院學校等)","bold":true},{"text":"。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人會"},{"text":"按學生需要提供練習和筆記","bold":true},{"text":"。本人為人耐性、細心、有責任感、守時。本人十分鼓勵學生在上課時發問,"},{"text":"希望幫助學生學習時融會貫通,而非死記硬背","bold":true},{"text":"。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"課後如果學生在功課或温習上遇到困難,可以隨時whatsapp 本人查詢。亦歡迎家長在課後與本人查詢學生的學習進度。"}]}]...Academic TutoringCombined Science TutoringMath Tutoring+ 3RemoteDesign & Renovation NEWHired rate1Undertake the removal of waterproof and leaking solar panels, glass houses, gardens, gardening, fish ponds...Garden designRemoteDesign & Renovation,Small Renovation NEWHired rate0🎖Has many years of engineering experience 🎖Master has a serious work attitude In all engineering cases: ✅Engineering project practices 🛠 ✅Kitchen cabinet...Home RenovationWhole Home RemodelingOffice Interior Design & Renovation+ 14Tuen MunBall Games NEWHired rate2Provide professional tennis accompaniment training, sparring practice/, ball feeding or specific skill training (Tennis drill) 1. Forehand 2. Backhand 3. Volley 4. Serve 5. Contest ...Tennis LessonBadminton LessonRemote
Service near Sau Mau Ping
Piano Lesson in Tsuen Wan Piano Lesson in Tung Chung Piano Lesson in Sheung Shui Piano Lesson in Yuen Long Piano Lesson in Tsing Yi Piano Lesson in Tuen Mun Piano Lesson in Fanling Piano Lesson in Sha Tin Piano Lesson in Tin Shui Wai Piano Lesson in Cheung Sha Wan Piano Lesson in To Kwa Wan Piano Lesson in Tseung Kwan O
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