GU4S7R6Gow4 in San Po Kong
Martial Arts,Exercise & Fitness,Boxing (2)Hired rate9[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"(For English, please scroll down)"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🥋 出於武術家庭 👊自2002年開始學習搏擊武術至今 "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🗣 主修泰拳(10年)、(黃淳樑系)詠春(10年)、新極真空手道及劍道、多年健身及長跑"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🏋🏽♀️ 超過10年私人及團體教學經驗 "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🥊 泰拳教練、詠春教練、女子自衛...Personal TrainingStretching LessonTRX Suspension Training+ 7Tsim Sha TsuiPet Beauty (7)Hired rate11服務流程:Quote the price first if ok then payment can be done by Payme Alipay or cash after finished task 收費價錢 : ...Pet GroomingKowloon CityOverseas Studies,Exam Preparation,Tutoring,Language Lessons,and others (5)Hired rate9Hello, I am Teacher Liao. I graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in Business Administration. I have more than 8 years of ...Integrated Science TutoringCantonese Language LessonEnglish Language Lesson for Adults+ 8All Hong KongStorage & Moving (3)Hired rate268Hello😊 My surname is Qiu, and the team is dedicated to providing you with one-stop home service. Services include: interior design, renovation works, home and ...RelocationFurniture DisposalPiano RelocationDiamond HillSmall Renovation,Design & Renovation (2)Hired rate7I am [name], I have [x] years of [service] experience, I have assisted [x] customers to solve their problems, and I have gained the trust ...Demolition or Restoration ServiceEngineering CorporationOutdoor Improvement+ 4RemoteOffice Repair & Installation,Storage & Moving (2)Hired rate3Specialized maintenance: electric/manual rolling gates, iron gates, brakes with remote control automatic doors, welding, etc....Roller Shutter Installation and Repair物流公司RemoteRunning Errands,String Instrument Lessons,Proofreading & Translation,Wedding Performance,and others (2)Hired rate3Hello, I mainly teach cello, I have taught in different primary and secondary schools, and now I teach cello in different primary and secondary schools, ...Cello LessonDouble Bass LessonJapanese Translation+ 6RemoteGuitar Courses (1)Hired rate2wait. If you have any questions about [service], customers are welcome to inquire with me and I will be happy to answer them for you....Acoustic Guitar LessonUkulele LessonDiamond HillBall Games (2)Hired rate4Senior tennis coach for more than ten years, mainly in Victoria Park or Causeway Bay tennis courts. He specializes in teaching newcomers and children to ...Tennis LessonCauseway BayWind Instrument Lessons (13)Hired rate19[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🌈 關於我們|\n2016年於九龍灣成立,專注於樂器教學,課程包括管弦樂、流行鼓、樂理等等。Solo——獨奏,是最能展現出音樂家技術的表演。本校的理念在於發掘學生的音樂潛能,培育學生而能達致獨當一面的水平,演奏出最動人的Solo🎵"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"\n參與我們的音樂課程,學生不僅在演奏技巧上取得顯著進步📈,更有機會參與各類音樂比賽贏得獎項🏆,展現他們的才華。我們引以為傲的專業指導和豐富學習資源,同時協助學生在音樂考試中獲得優異成績💯,為他們的音樂旅程增添色彩🎉。\n"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":" jSax課程(適合4至8歲): "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"為了迎合年幼學員的需求,我們特別推出了jSax課程。透過生動有趣的教學和專為年幼學員設計的學習方式,啟發學員對音樂的興趣,輕鬆踏入音樂的奇妙旅程。jSax課程不僅簡化了學習過程,同時為學員打下良好基礎。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"傳統色士風課程(適合8至15歲): "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"在這個課程中,學員將深入探索色士風的神奇世界,透過專業導師的引導,提升演奏技巧,深化對音樂的理解。我們致力打造一個豐富、具挑戰性且樂趣十足的學習經驗,讓孩子在音樂綻放光芒。"}]}]...Clarinet LessonSaxophone LessonKowloon Bay
GU4S7R6Gow4 near San Po Kong
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