Sai Ying Pun Directory
Massage NEWHired rate0I'm [occupation] [name], have [x] years of experience in [occupation/service], have served over [x] customers, and are well-received. My services include: [list services]. Professional qualifications: ...In-home MassageRemoteTutoring NEWHired rate0🙌🏻Hello! I graduated from the Department of Chinese and History of the City University of Hong Kong with First Class Honours, majoring in ...Chinese TutoringPrimary School TutoringMath Tutoring+ 3RemoteTransfer Quotations,Workspace & Equipments,Installation,Repairs & Maintenance,and others NEWHired rate0I have been doing renovations and maintenance for many years, muddy water paint, water, electricity and coal, multi-person team, fast enough delivery, honest management. Never ...Furniture Works晾衫架安裝Mosquito Net & Screen Installation+ 27RemoteSports NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人有 15 年教授成人及小童經驗,持有 USPTA 教練資格,曾奪大埔區及北區分齡網球比賽男單冠軍,及曾任教多間...Tennis LessonsKowloon TongPhotography,Hair & Makeup,Editing,Audio Visual Lessons,and others NEWHired rate0Pre-wedding Family photos, couple photos, girlfriend photos, wedding photos, etc. All of the above can additionally provide professional makeup artist and shoot...Photography CoursesWedding Registry PhotographyPre-Wedding Photography+ 23RemoteKids and Toddlers,Exam Preparation,Proofreading & Translation,Arts & Hobbies,and others NEWHired rate2Hi, 我叫Violet,現在是一位全職補習老師。之前在特殊教育機構任職ABA特殊教育老師(兼國際學校老師)。我畢業於英國Swansea University和University of Exeter,並取得心理和臨床心理學位(4.0 GPA)。我亦是一位native English speaker。補習上有四年經驗,並教授過主流和有特殊需求的幼兒、兒童和青年。擅長科目包括英語(幼兒至IB)、英文文學(IGCSE或以上)、數學(幼兒至小學)、心理(IB與大學程度)和綜合科學(兒童至中學)。因為每一個學生的學習方式都是獨一無二,我篇作學生教材時會因應該學生的學習程度來製作適合他的教材。基於我相信有教無類,我會很有耐心地教授每一位學生。為了可以更有效地滿足學生的需要,我已考取遊戲治療證書,並正修讀TEFL、讀寫障礙執照與PGCEi資格。如果想進一步了解我的教學方式,可以隨時聯絡我! 正教授/曾教授國際學校學生源於: French International School Canadian International School Singaporean International School Quarry Bay School (ESF) Shatin...General Tutoring (Primary School)Biology TutoringEnglish Literature Tutoring+ 16RemoteMassage,Massage & Acupressure NEWHired rate0Hello, we are [Company Name], established in [YEAR], and our main business/services include [List Business]. Our company [list service features], [example: full private follow-up], [example: ...Foot MassageMassage and AcupressureMassage Prodcut+ 1RemoteTransfer Quotations,Workspace & Equipments,Installation,Repairs & Maintenance,and others NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"我是[林笙],擁有[9]年的[捲閘工程]經驗,已協助[超6千]個客戶解決問題,期間得到很多客戶的信任。 除了門市服務外,我也提供上門服務,服務範圍包括[安裝維修各種捲閘,趟門]等。 如有任何問題,歡迎客戶向我查詢,我十分樂意為你...Furniture Works晾衫架安裝菜鳥傢俬安裝+ 33All Hong KongPhotography,Editing,Audio Visual Lessons,Proofreading & Translation,and others NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Hi, l am Janz! "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"現就讀香港演藝學院電影電視系二年級,主修導演、編劇、製片,熟悉影片製作前中後期。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"曾於Youtube channel幕後工作一年,製作街訪、電台、挑戰等類型短片,並作剪接、字幕與簡單特效。現為兒童影樓攝影助手及後製執相,熟用Photoshop,Lightroom 進行人像 Retouch。"}]}]...Chinese TutoringHomework Guidance ClassPrimary School Tutoring+ 26RemoteOutsourcing,IT & Development,Corporate Training,Corporate Services,and others NEWHired rate1He once worked for one of the four major accounting firms and has worked abroad for many years. He has rich experience in business and ...General Tutoring (Primary School)IT TutoringPrinciples of Accounting Tutoring+ 32Kowloon Tong
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