Sai Ying Pun Directory
Commercial NEWHired rate0Please contactCommercial PhotoshootHeadshot PhotographyProduct PhotographyRemoteTutoring,Language Lessons NEWHired rate6Putonghua standard pronunciation Chinese in the HKDSE obtained three papers, five stars, one paper five, overall five-star primary school and form 1-3 Chinese history is ...Chinese TutoringLiberal Studies TutoringMandarin Language Lesson for Adults+ 2RemoteBall Games NEWHired rate0The table tennis coach has three years of teaching experience. I have taught the training and level classes of the Table Tennis Association, as well ...Table Tennis LessonRemoteTattoo and Embroidery NEWHired rate0Instagram: LashMeUpHK 專業上門角蛋白翹睫服務 Professional in-home Keratin Lash Lift service...Eyelash ServicesRemoteOther Music Lessons NEWHired rate10ART BRO 旗下擁有不同專項導師, 因應課程需要 , 派出持有皇家音樂學院8級證書 / 演奏級文憑 / 香港各...Song Arrangement LessonSong Composition LessonOrchestra Training LessonSan Po KongCommercial NEWHired rate0PhotographerCommercial PhotoshootHeadshot PhotographyProduct PhotographyRemoteLifestyle Photograhy,Editing,Audio Visual Lessons,Lifestyle Service,and others NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人是一名室內及建築攝影師,已有多年拍攝室內攝影的經驗,拍攝超過上百間室內設計及房地產項目,合作夥伴包括各大地產商及建築雜誌等等。曾獲十多項國際及香港攝影獎,如2021 MIFA PHOTO AWARD,2021 ipa photo awards,香港工程師學會攝影比賽-公開組銅獎等等"}]}]...Aerial PhotographyArt PhotographyConceptual Photography+ 7RemoteWedding Performance NEWHired rate2 DJ FXlion 和 DJ M4RTYR 是商業及派對 DJ,在社交平台IG及Youtube累積逾三萬粉絲。他們曾於不同著名國際品牌如高力國際、迪卡儂集團、環宇發展等的活動擔任DJ,亦活躍於不同商務遊艇活動、酒店派對、婚禮、蘭桂芳酒吧及曾於香港大學著名建築陸佑堂作演出。兩位希望透過音樂連結不同觀眾,為其帶來歡樂。 FYI🙏🏻Job reference/Bio DJ FXlion and DJ M4RTYR are both corporate and club DJs, who accumulate...Music PerformanceRemoteGraphics NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"專業既設計質素,抵得諗嘅服務態度,平面設計低至$895,網頁設計低至$5590,如有任何平面及網頁設計都可以搵我傾下,更加協助推廣及提供印刷服務,歡迎查詢!"}]}]...Google Display Banner CreationFlyers & Posters DesignIllustration Design+ 17RemoteExercise & Fitness NEWHired rate1Certified Personal Trainer | Rehab Trainer | Swimming Instructor BSc in sports science Experienced in weight management, muscle toning, muscle gain...Personal TrainingTRX Suspension TrainingStretching Lesson+ 1Remote
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