Other Consultations in Pok Fu Lam
Proofreading & Translation (2)Hired rate2https://www.sarathecopywriter.com/ 本人現任職跨國公司公關傳訊,亦為freelance translator. 工作範圍包括寫中英新聞稿、書信、年報、公司內外通訊等等,...Resume EditingRemoteOutsourcing,Business Research & Analytics,Proofreading & Translation,Personal Development,and others NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"As a skilled copywriter and editor, I am excited to offer my services!"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Through my collaboration with renowned brands like Lane Crawford, a luxury fashion e-commerce ...English TutoringResume EditingData EntryPok Fu LamDating & Relationship (1)Hired rate1I graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Master of Social Work. I have many years of counseling experience. I also write emotional ...Relationship CounsellingMong KokQuality Inspection,Repairs & Maintenance,Immigration Services (1)Hired rate3Hong Kong Engineering Fair [HKBS], an independent third party fair, is the first engineering notary firm accredited by the Hong Kong Arbitration Society, with an ...Notary ServicesBuilding Inspection ServicesWater Leak DetectionRemoteTransfer Quotations,Postnatal Care,Renovation,Workspace & Equipments,and others (1)Hired rate1Professional valet delivery, installation of second-hand new and old furniture WhatsApp52810999 Quote...Air Conditioner Installation and RepairHome AssistanceHome Renovation+ 31RemoteOutsourcing,Dispute Resolution,Running Errands,Event Planning,and others (1)Hired rate1Consultation and freelance jobs are welcome!Professional OrganizerData EntryRelationship Counselling+ 4RemotePersonal Finance,Vocational Training NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"前香港大學投資學會主席,曾任恆生銀行高級客戶經理及跨國公司行政人員,擁有超過20年個人投資經驗,管理個人八位數資產實現穩健增值。"}]},{"type":"paragraph"},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"想打開人生副業,在此平台上找尋需要提供付費諮詢個人理財規劃的業務,希望能用我最客觀的個人投資經驗和豐富金融知識為客戶帶來有價值並終生受用的投資知識和實際可行的投資策略。"}]},{"type":"paragraph"},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"不賣保險,不賣保險,不賣保險;重要的事情說三次,因為我要保持絕對中立客觀的建議,所以我只賺合理的諮詢費用,一概不會推薦涉及傭金的保險,基金和其他類似的投資產品。希望能幫助每一個想要財富增值的朋友找到最適合自己的投資方案,包括但不限於:股票,債券,基金,房產,REIT,黃金,收藏品,比特幣及另類投資。只要你說的出來的投資產品和市場我都可以提供有價值的建議!"}]}]...Financial Planning Classes投資課程RemoteProofreading & Translation,Personal Development,Tutoring,Languages NEWHired rate1[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人擁有國際漢語注册教師和家庭教育指導師資格證,碩士學位,香港作家聯會常務理事。在北京出生、成長,操流利標準的北京腔普通話和流利粵語。畢業於廣州暨南大學中國語言文學系,并取得工商管理碩士學位。在學期間獲得奬學金,畢業論文優異,刊登於《暨南大學》學報。在《明報月刊》撰寫專欄多年,并發表多篇美學教育學術著作。本人研究美學教育,中文及普通話教學經驗豐富,特別擅長教授寫作。學生遍布港九各大名校,有愛心有耐性,教學方法獨特,特別是漢語拼音教學,令學生輕鬆掌握標準普通話發音。了解學生心理,因材施教,以靈活互動、生動有趣的教學方法,激發學生的學習興趣及潛能,成績提升顯著。"}]}]...Chinese TutoringMandarin CoursesResume EditingRemoteLove & Fortune-Telling NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"我是泰緣圓的Stella,擁有八年的塔羅經驗,門市位於旺角,已協助過千位個客戶解決問題,期間得到很多客戶的信任。 除了門市服務外,我也提供上門服務,服務範圍包括"},{"type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}],"text":"法事|入宅|招財|愛情|風水|調頻|聖物|佛牌|神像|塔羅|拜四角|算命"},{"type":"text","text":"等。 如對服務有任何問題,歡迎客戶向我查詢,我十分樂...Tarot CardMong KokDispute Resolution NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"你好,我們是[鷹聯私家偵探社],於[1994]成立,主要業務/服務包括[提供個人及商務資訊調查機構。]\n我們公司會專人處理各類案件,接辦香港、內地與世界各地偵探事務,一切資料絕對保密;本公司是美國偵探會、英國偵探總會、世界調查網絡、世界偵探總會會員、國際調查議會議員、美國調查及保安服務委員會 會員。是你的信心之選。\n如對[案件]有任何問題,歡迎客戶向我們查詢,我們會盡快回應解答,你也可以在Toby 網頁查看客人對我們的好評。我是[johnsor],擁有[6]年的[服務]經驗,並期間得到很多客戶的信任。\n主要係提供網上銷售了門市服務外,我也提供上門服務,服務範圍包括[列出服務]等。\n如對[服務]有任何問題,歡迎客戶向我查詢,我十分樂意為你解答。"}]}]...Private InvestigationCauseway Bay
- YanMarch 9, 2025
David really is an expert of this field. He first quickly pointed out the important part of drafting a CV and provided some suggestions in enhancing my CV, which I was impressed by his quick response and the idea. I got the updated CV within our agreed timeline. I really appreciate David for this help.
- PongMarch 7, 2025Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
Simon is experienced, conducts a thorough inspection, and has professional and complete equipment. He can tell the problem at a glance. He also knows what the homeowner is worried about, and makes the homeowner feel at ease during the process. What’s important is that Simom “speaks the truth and doesn’t beat around the bush”. The solutions he proposes are all within a reasonable range, and he doesn’t mind letting you ask questions so that the homeowner can understand more.
- Veronica makMarch 6, 2025Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
Recommended! Thanks to Simon and Oscar, the dispute between the owners was finally resolved. They were very efficient and cooperative. I contacted them on Friday and they helped me on Saturday morning. Oscar was responsible and explained carefully. The report was issued very quickly after I finished reading it on Saturday. He was very concerned about the owner's situation. Simon gave powerful, objective, fair and professional opinions. His explanation was very convincing and very helpful. 👍Good review!
- May***@*****.com.hkFebruary 28, 2025Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
This is the first time I have searched for the services I need through the Toby platform. Simon Hui is very professional, the price is reasonable, he understands the victim's situation, is anxious to meet the needs of the client, explains in detail the recovery procedures through the Small Claims Tribunal, provides advice and provides sample letters for reference, which is very helpful and worth recommending.
- BossFebruary 20, 2025Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
The humorous and witty manner of the guests made the whole wedding ceremony and dinner a great pleasure.
- Yeung Ngai Sang KenrickFebruary 17, 2025Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
Professional atmosphere is just right