Peng Chau Directory
Security System,Workspace & Equipments,Design & Renovation,Office Repair & Installation,and others NEWHired rate0The company was established in 2010, weak current engineering and office handling and storage, rich experience, fast quotation, fixed master team, intimate follow-up of large ...Office Interior Design & RenovationRestaurant Interior Design & RenovationShop Renovation+ 18Lai Chi KokElective Subjects Tutoring NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"image","url":"","children":[{"text":""}],"loading":false},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"你好,本人畢業於香港大學,主修地理,擁有5年的教學經驗,亦有公開試評卷的經驗。富耐性和經驗,態度認真負責,熟悉香港中小學及國際學校課程內容。在2016年公開試地理科取得5**的佳績\n\n \n\n本人擅長替學生補底/清concept/拔尖/精益求精,會針對各卷做法及技巧,準備額外補充練習及提供自製筆記。\n\n \n\n教導的學生分別來至地區學校、傳統名校及國際學校,能因應學生程度選擇合適教材,為學生打好根基;針對學生於課堂上不明白的地方,用簡單的方法教導,使他們能夠更容易理解。大部份學生在補習後也有明顯成績的提升。\n\n提供whatsapp問功課服務。\n\n"}]}]...Geography TutoringRemoteSmall Renovation (1)Hired rate1The company provides interior design, space planning, From flat placement, custom furniture, on-site decoration, Color matching, material selection, ready-made furniture, home appliances, and decorations in ...Furniture AssemblyBrick, Tile & Stone InstallationDemolition or Restoration Service+ 5Kowloon BayOn Wedding Day NEWHired rate0I have studied related beauty, makeup and hairdressing courses and professional Event Planning & Marketing, and I have also worked as a full-time pet caregiver. ...Wedding Hair and MakeupWedding CateringEvent MC+ 2RemoteFacial and Body Treatment,Massage,Massage & Acupressure NEWHired rate0My name is Sister Chang. I have nearly 20 years of experience in massage and massage. I have served more than 30 customers for a ...Belly BindIn-home MassageMassage and AcupressureRemoteAthletics NEWHired rate1Coach Liang is a certified triathlon coach in Hong Kong. He has been engaged in coaching for more than 15 years. He has rich experience ...Triathlon LessonCycling LessonRunning Training LessonCentralWater Sports NEWHired rate1Ten years of swimming teaching experience, taught 2-80 years old know how to teach self-style, breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly can help students improve and speed up ...Swimming LessonRemoteOffice Repair & Installation NEWHired rate0With many years of experience and the guarantee of strength, it is your choice of confidence and trustworthy...Window Replacement & InstallationKwun TongOutsourcing NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"- 香港大學文學碩士畢業(Pass with Distinction)\n- 曾於數間香港上市公司及大型機構工作\n- 5年於市場推廣的經驗,熟悉使用文字於線上線下推廣\n- 善於創作,撰稿及校對...Typing & Word ProcessingData EntryTranscription Service+ 1RemoteCorporate Training,Professional Skills NEWHired rate0I have worked as an accountant in the hospitality industry for more than 20 years and have a good understanding of PMS OPERA, POS MICROS ...Corporate Excel TrainingCorporate Software TrainingAccounting CourseRemote
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