Postnatal Care in Peng Chau
Web,Digital Marketing NEWHired rate193Hello, we are [company name], established in [year], our main businesses/services include [listed businesses]. Our company [list service features], [example: private follow-up throughout the process], ...Website DesignWebsite DevelopmentSearch Engine Optimization SEOAll Hong KongFacial and Body Treatment NEWHired rate0I am [Professor] [Name], I have [x] years of [Professional/Service] experience, I have served more than [x] customers, and I have received high praise. My ...Belly BindRemoteOffice Repair & Installation,Home Repair & Installation,Small Renovation NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"你好,我們是[橋樂裝飾工程有限公司],於2013成立,主要業務/服務包括裝飾工程,家居裝修,展覽裝飾,廣告佈景等等各類工程。 我們公司全程私人跟進,如對服務有任何問題,歡迎客戶向我們查詢,我們會盡快回應解答,你也可以在Toby ...Furniture ServiceEngineering CorporationPaint Job+ 2RemoteOther Music Lessons NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"**男導師**"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"導師資歷: Postgraduate Certificate in Music Performance (主修鍵盤樂) (University of Southampton)"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"教學經驗: 學生由 Grades 1-8, ATCL/ARSM (Piano only),以及主修鋼琴的大學生,超過十年經驗"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"師承英國皇家音樂學院教授(Royal College of Music),用英式的教學方法。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"在英國生活了15年,畢業於University of Southampton。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"2011年開始於英國教授不同年齡層的學生。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"可粵、英、普通話授課。"}]}]...Music Theory LessonRemoteWedding Photography & Videography,Audio & Visual Production NEWHired rate0Reasonable price#richexperience#weddingvideo#eventvideoproduction#visitvideo...VideographyWedding PhotographyWedding Videography+ 2RemoteHair & Makeup,Exam Preparation,Tutoring,Language Lessons,and others NEWHired rate0Hello, my name is Gaga, I graduated from CUHK with a master's degree, majoring in literature. I have little teaching experience in Hong Kong, but ...Chinese TutoringChinese History TutoringEnglish Tutoring+ 10RemoteOffice Repair & Installation,Home Repair & Installation,Design & Renovation,Workspace & Equipments NEWHired rate0I am [NAME], I have [x] years of [service] experience, I have assisted [x] clients with their problems and gained the trust of many clients. ...Interior DesignShop RenovationRestaurant Interior Design & Renovation+ 5RemoteWorkshop NEWHired rate0[{"children":[{"text":"Please WhatsApp 623***46 Rain instructor for details of the workshop activities. He has taught classes in many institutional centers and schools and has many years ...HandicraftLeather WorkshopKwai ChungRunning Errands,Digital Marketing NEWHired rate0Hello, we are [company name], established in [year], our main business/services include [list business]. Our company [list service features], [example: full private follow-up], [example: one-on-one ...Social Media MarketingErrandsAll Hong KongLanguage Lessons NEWHired rate1[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我是韓語老師 Miss Tiffany,擁有兩年兼職教授韓文的經驗,主要的服務範圍包括:初級及中級韓文班、TOPIK 1-4級考試班、兒童韓語興趣班、成人韓語速成班等。\n\n專業資格:\n韓國語能力考試 TOPIK 5級"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"\n過往經驗:\n大學副修韓文科,並曾留學韓國三大大學之一的延世大學。畢業後曾在韓資銀行工作逾四年,具有優異的韓文閱讀、聆聽、發音及溝通能力。\n\n服務特點:\n・全程私人跟進,可Whatsapp詢問韓語相關的課題\n・一對一教學"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"・因曾在本地學習韓語,明白香港學生學習韓文時的常見問題及難處,並更能夠使用廣東話清楚解釋有關韓語學習的秘訣。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]}]...Korean Language LessonAll Hong Kong
Postnatal Care near Peng Chau
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