Ma Wan Directory
Workspace & Equipments NEWHired rate0Tech ConsultantService OfficesPhone System InstallationOffice Interior Design & Renovation+ 4Kowloon BayTutoring,Tutoring NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"專補幼稚園,小學,初中全科,高中中文和BAFS(Management)\n本人就讀香港理工大學Year 3,主修Marketing "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"在文憑試中文卷三考獲5** 通識考獲5 企會財BAFS(商業管理)考獲5*\n本人認真細心有耐性,在教授過程中會與學生互動以及引導學生自發思考,提高學生學習興趣\n本人有超過2年私人補習的經驗,也有在校內為低年級同學提供功課輔導的經驗\n本人校內成績不俗,在中六全級第8名,特別在中文,通識,地理以及BAFS成績優異,全級排名均在前三名\n在課堂上會為學生提供筆記以及練習,以針對學生學習需要\n在課堂後請提供WhatsApp或電話問書服務,讓學生能解決學習上的問題"}]}]...Chinese TutoringLiberal Studies TutoringHomework Guidance Class+ 4RemoteTransfer Quotations,Workspace & Equipments,Repairs & Maintenance,Gadgets NEWHired rate0Hello Welcome to headphone repair home Internet cable and wifi wireless network settings CCTV installation computer maintenance telephone jumper settings (hunting) For details, welcome to ...Computer RepairAudio System InstallationAccess Control & Attendance System Installation+ 2Kwun TongTutoring NEWHired rate0I am currently studying at the Open University of Hong Kong, currently a nursing student, and studying at St. Bend's College in secondary school. When ...Chinese TutoringEnglish TutoringMath Tutoring+ 1RemoteElderly Care,Running Errands,Postnatal Care NEWHired rate0IG shop: wellnessheaven_wh Your health paradise agency 🇫🇷French health and beauty brand Inovital 💯All-natural plant extracts, no dependence 💯Acquired international standards ...LOL代打Overseas Shopping AgentElderly Care+ 3Causeway BayTransfer Quotations,Domestic Helper Services,Gift Services,Installation,and others NEWHired rate0Air Conditioner Installation and RepairFurniture WorksLighting Installation+ 6To Kwa WanWeb,Gadgets NEWHired rate0Great sense of responsibility, not too handsome, kind-hearted, understanding and helpful...Web DesignWebsite DevelopmentComputer Repair+ 1RemotePet Sitting NEWHired rate0💯Pet treats🈚️Preservatives🈶All natural 👉wts app:642***17 👉line: skyumi_dream #beetroot cake #bean milk cake #no preservatives #no coloring pet food #homemade pet treats#pet#pet treats#dog ...Pet ModelTseung Kwan OElderly Care NEWHired rate0I am good at domestic help and confinement service, with more than 10 years of service experience. There are plenty of great tips for having ...Postnatal Care (At-Home)RemoteKids and Toddlers,Outsourcing,Editing,Running Errands,and others NEWHired rate0My name is Nicholas, I'm a ski instructor and I love teaching my students. Usually like to do sports, play music, dance, play basketball, gymnastics, ...Economics TutoringMath TutoringPrimary School Tutoring+ 10Remote
Service near Ma Wan
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