Relax Recover in Ma On Shan
Facial and Body Treatment NEWHired rate0AASFP Advanced Personal Fitness Trainer (No. H140505) 一名Part time既fitness trainer 著重用運動配合飲食增肌減脂。 除左一般係Gym room操練之外,重會善用HIIT, Cross Training, ...Slimming TreatmentsNutritionist ServiceAberdeenTreatment & Recovery (14)Hired rate115Since 2006, I have been working with confinement caregivers, and I have come into contact with many different cases: night confinement care, 24-hour service, taking ...Postnatal CareRemoteNursing and Care Services,Treatment & Recovery NEWHired rate0Hello everyone! My name is Anita😊 Because I have changed my name, most mothers will call me Aunt Yin (because the old name has the ...Postnatal CareRemoteTreatment & Recovery NEWHired rate0I am Candy, a confinement caregiver. I have 1 year of experience as a confinement nanny. I have served more than 4 customers and are ...Postnatal CareRemoteNursing and Care Services,Treatment & Recovery NEWHired rate49[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"大家好,可以叫我Hipo😊。我有過照顧唔同需要嘅BB嘅經驗👶🏻👶🏻,而且都有不斷進修報讀唔同課程,去提升自己嘅陪月技能,例如:陪月滋補飲食知識課程、嬰兒香薰按摩、嬰兒疾病及常用藥物認知、催乳課程等。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":" 喺媽媽住院期間🤰🏻,我會根據媽媽身體需要而烹調,例如炒米茶、湯水、燉品🍲,設計合適媽媽嘅餐...Baby MassageLactation MassagePostpartum Meal Service+ 2RemoteNursing and Care Services NEWHired rate24Hello everyone! I have been involved in the confinement industry since 2012. I have been in the confinement industry for the 8th year. I have ...Postnatal CareRemoteKids and Toddlers,Outsourcing,Accounting & Taxes,Business Research & Analytics,and others NEWHired rate0I am [name], I have [x] years of [service] experience, I have assisted [x] customers to solve their problems, and I have gained the trust ...Math TutoringAccounting TutoringBAFS Tutoring+ 10RemoteTreatment & Recovery NEWHired rate203[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"大家好 ! 我叫Katharine😊 \n本人從事專業陪月護理工作近七年,已成功為超過多四十個客戶服務,能中英雙語工作,非常精通中西厨藝,亦有研究食療、素食飲食理論等。從事陪月工作最主要因為興趣,非常喜歡嬰幼兒,能看到BB健康成長及媽媽們能恢復到最佳狀態是一件我引以為傲的事。除陪月工作外,閒時亦有接保姆工作,如照顧2個月大BB為期4個月,直至工人姐姐到港,甚至1歲半小朋友。\n\n本人為人熱心善良,做事認真盡責,可妥善處理陪月及產後護理工作,盡心為初生嬰兒及產婦提供優質服務。如欲進一步了解全日八小時制或二十四小時陪月服務資料,或欲了解過往成功案例及作僱主推薦信等,歡迎垂詢。"}]}]...Postnatal CareRemoteTreatment & Recovery NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"陳姑娘是一位擁有10年經驗的資深言語治療師。她曾在公立醫院工作了5年,現在在不同的資助或私營安老院舍提供到診服務。陳姑娘同時也熱愛教學工作,自2019年起在香港大學言語及語言病理學系擔任臨床導師,為言語治療學士學生提供臨床指導。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"陳姑娘擅長為有溝通障礙(語言、言語、聲線)及吞嚥困難的人士提供到診個人化的專業服務。她根據診斷評估結果提供合適且準確的治療方案。憑藉豐富的知識和經驗,即使在環境限制下,她也能夠靈活地為患者找到適合的解決方案,提升他們的生活質素。陳姑娘同時確保患者和照顧者對治療策略有良好的理解,以便在日常生活中更好地練習和應用。她鼓勵患者和照顧者積極參與治療過程,以取得事半功倍的效果。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"以下是陳姑娘的學歷和認可資格:"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"香港大學言語及聽覺科學理學士"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"香港大學老年學社會科學碩士"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"香港言語治療師協會會員"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"衛生署認可言語治療師名冊會員"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"希望以上內容能幫助你更深入了解陳姑娘。如有任何問題或需求,請隨時提出!"}]}]...Speech TherapyRemoteNutrition NEWHired rate0Mr Sun 從事健身行業超過十年 於大型健身中心任職 pure .私人機構 等等 服務包括 一對一私人教練課程,小組訓...Nutritionist ServiceSlimming TreatmentsYuen Long
- NatalieOctober 25, 2024Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
The package is simple, no false advertising, the service attitude of the staff and therapists is very good, and they are not hard-selling. The key point is that it is isolated from the subway station. It is only two steps away. It is really convenient. I recommend it to friends with pain! ! !
- BensoNOctober 12, 2024Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
After returning to work, I started to have scoliosis, high and low shoulders, forward pelvic tilt, and often felt back pain. After doing left fascia therapy, my back pain was greatly improved. People with scoliosis can try it.
- PinkyOctober 11, 2024Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
The therapist was very professional. He could find out the cause of my pain right away. Then he would help me relax my muscles step by step and use magic hands to clear my meridians. He would also teach me the corresponding exercises to strengthen my muscles. Achieve long-term therapeutic effects! recommend!
- +852 955***39March 14, 2025Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
The professional therapists are very good. They explain and analyze each part of the patient and conduct treatment step by step. Other centers do not have the level and professional attitude of this company.
- TinaMarch 10, 2025Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
Auntie Tracy really likes confinement care work. Although she has to stay up late and has a lot of things to do during the day, she knows how to arrange her time and tasks. She is energetic and happy to work every day. She is loving and patient with the baby. I can rest assured to leave the baby to auntie's care. I am in a good mood during this confinement period, and I have recovered well and quickly!
- HelenFebruary 5, 2025Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
My shoulder and neck were strained so much that half my body was numb. The therapist helped me loosen up the muscles. It's not hard to sell. The location is convenient:)