MfTJCKSldgY in Lok Fu
Percussion Lessons (8)Hired rate13🌟Dickson's Drumming Corner🌟 About the tutor 🏫Teached in large piano shops and primary and secondary schools 🏆Have won many awards in band ...Drum LessonsKwai FongPhotography,Editing,Wedding Photos & Videos,Wedding Photography & Videography,and others (1)Hired rate2Years of photography experience, serving more than 100 pairs of guests, and gaining customer satisfaction and affirmation....Pre-Wedding PhotographyWedding & Banquet PhotographyWedding Photography+ 6RemoteGuitar Courses (14)Hired rate20Hello everyone 😁 Xia Kui Music has officially put into service 🎉 My Dijian Music Center is located next to Hong Lok Road Station, ...Electric Guitar LessonsGuitar LessonsYuen LongArts & Hobbies NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"設計師/導師簡介:\n\"MANAAKI\"是由Wayne於2018年創立,致力於時尚配飾產品設計。Wayne是一位時尚配飾設計師/皮革班導師,畢業於香港知專設計學院,曾獲得SBS最佳時尚配飾獎項。 Wayne更具備創意和審美的觸角,相信能協助學生共同完成滿意的產品和樂趣,讓學生能有一個美好的體驗。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"品牌理念:"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"\"MANAAKI\"在毛利文中是尊重、關心的意思。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"致力於「時尚設計」「零殘酷時尚」皮具產品客製化 及 服務。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"時尚風格:"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"\"MANAAKI\"以優雅、年輕化的元素結合 及 色彩的相互配搭,在繁忙的都市中增添一些色彩,點綴生命上的獨特光芒,為每個人...Handicraft Classes & WorkshopLeather Art ClassesSewing Classes+ 1Kwun TongPhotography,Gadgets (19)Hired rate118Welcomes you for individual, family or group portraits which offer an unforgettable session....Family PhotographyEvent PhotographyPortrait Photography+ 1Tuen MunArts & Culture NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"楓。藝設計 (Maple Art Design)是一種以創意和美學為核心的設計理念,我們以室內設計為主,而平面設計、產品設計、畫畫創作及教學為本。而在設計風格強調與自然簡約與和諧舒適共存,並且常常融合香港本地的文化和藝術元素。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"楓。藝設計追求簡潔和明確的線條,通常避免過於複雜的裝飾,強調功能性和美學的平衡,注重空間的開放性和流動性,創造出舒適且宜人的生活環境給客戶。"}]}]...Drawing & Painting ClassesRemoteDancing NEWHired rate1[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"導師擁有接近12年的教學經驗🩰 希望小朋友透過學習芭蕾舞➡️優雅地成長 小班教學➡️照顧學習差異 正向教育令小朋友勇於接受新事物...Ballet ClassesSau Mau PingGuitar Courses (5)Hired rate25Liang Zi Guita Classroom TL Music 🎸 Courses tailored to your preferences and abilities allow you to find your own music in addition to learning...Guitar LessonsElectric Guitar LessonsTsz Wan ShanHair Regrowth Center NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"大家好,我是一位熱愛美髮的阿楠,從年輕時就對剪頭髮充滿興趣。為了提升技術,我曾在專業美髮學校進修,畢業後也經常參加老人院和社區的義剪活動,希望用自己的專長為有需要的人帶來便利和快樂。我性格熱情開朗,喜歡和人交流,用心傾聽顧客的需求,盡力讓每個人都能滿意地離開。剪頭髮對我來說不只是工作,更是一份可以傳遞溫暖的事業。"}]}]...上門剪髮服務RemoteArts & Hobbies NEWHired rate0⭐️The studio is open for 2️⃣4️⃣ hours, free to make an appointment to attend class. ⭐️Welcome to order and participate in leather DIY ...Leather Art ClassesLai Chi Kok
MfTJCKSldgY near Lok Fu
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